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Everything posted by Bevojoe

  1. Hand ball on Croatia. Don’t know if they’ll get it though.
  2. Yes, somebody please help me understand WTF you’re talking about! Did this guy’s mother have any children that lived?
  3. Russia is out. Lost to Croatia on penalty kicks 4-3.
  4. Yep! But they’ll just SEC any issues and get them back on the field.
  5. Just checked ticket prices for the final. $2,696 per ticket for worst seats up to $72,500 per ticket to sit in a box.
  6. Watching England and Columbia. 1-zip England. The Colombian players are the biggest bunch of whiny MFs I’ve seen.
  7. There is no joy in aggyville, the mighty SEC has struck out! Congratulations to Org State.
  8. Oh Shit!! Time to move before the property values tank!
  9. Great news!! Glad we got him!
  10. Good for jimbo if he has sold that bill of goods. A free 7.5 million dollars without worrying about your record or repercussions of a 7 win season. Wash, rinse, repeat 9 times. Yep! Aggys on the hook regardless of the number of seasons or number of wins. They owe $75MM whether he wins or not. One of the dumbest business deals/contracts ever.
  11. May they can invent a maroon mushroom cloud.
  12. Aggys involved in nuclear power project at Los Alamos....”Welcome to Chernobyl “
  13. That’s funny! Here are some things I’ve learned about aggyville college, from aggys: • aggy has the best football facilities in the country • aggy has way more money than UT could ever hope for • aggy will win an NC since they spent $75MM on a coach and if you spend that much on a coach you win an NC, more than once. • they are the flagship U of our state, because they have more students than the University of Texas • their academic programs are the finest in the country and world I will concede they are the #1 University in College Station. the rest of their spew is mere propaganda that would make Josef Gobbles proud.
  14. Yeah, wondering the same damn thing.
  15. I like the smash mouth game, when it’s late fourth quarter, we have a lead and want to drain the clock and make the other team use up its time outs.
  16. It would have to be. I can’t see him going to a Kansas level P5 program.
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