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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by midtown

  1. He mentioned other SE Asia places. Thought I'd throw out a few other options that a lot of people don't even think about
  2. Japan all the fucking time. Last summer Osaka, Kyoto, Tokyo. Summers in Japan are absolutely brutal esp since you will be outside. It's Houston humid Thailand - Go to Phuket then go stay on some cool resort on an island with your GF. Might suggest a few days up in Chang Mai or Rai No clue about the all the rest but don't skip Laos or Cambodia. Check the SE Asia thread. Seriously Cambodia. Siem Reap has hotels that will blow your mind and I am dying to get to the islands. Angkor Wat is one of the most amazing places I've ever been on earth. Luang Prabang, Laos is an absolute gem of a town. Such a great place to just wander around and have coffee or sit by the river and have a beer/eat. Cool tours esp Kuang Si waterfalls
  3. Just a follow up that GW Fins was perfect. Was able to get a college buddy from UT down from Baton Rouge to join me at the bar. Excellent drinks, service and food
  4. Momentum
  5. Madders
  6. Im on them twice a week. Those last two were months ago and no reason to believe they were murdered in the greenway. It is a great place to dumb a body though.
  7. San Antonio some decent parks and hiking trails/greenways if they like the outdoors. Macalister Park Macarthur Park Hardburger Park Salado Creek greenway Leon Creek Greeway Frederick Park
  8. Maybe its just because I'm supporter but it seems over the last 4-5 years we have the absolute worst run of injuries in the PL
  9. Out of both domestics in the same week
  10. Fuck this shit
  11. Well that sums up our season. Son can't miss those
  12. I've got a alert on a table at GW Fins but you guys think I could just get a spot at the bar to eat? Full service?
  13. Agreed with King. Didnt his agent bitch about playing time at first and now he gets it but hasn't been exacty stellar
  14. Thanks to both of you. I'll take these recs and Ill just go to a few of these places and try to get in the bar. I'll go a bit early in the evening but eventually I should find a decent meal.
  15. I've read back a few pages and tried to get resers at a few places mentioned but striking out. Plus a lot of spots are closed on Mondays. I will be driving to Florida Monday. Staying the night at the Hilton Canopy downtown. Ill get in around 4ish. Relax shower and head out. Just need something fairly casual but good. Price not really an issue. I'll be solo so I'd probably prefer to sit at a bar with some good people watching with good food and drinks. I like all kinds of food. Would prefer a creole/seafood slant but not big on fried food however.
  16. Looks like we got Tel.
  17. Yes! Massive goal
  18. We're living dangerously
  19. Take it
  20. So this puts us 4th?
  21. I rotate between oven and palace
  22. Clearly. I didn't see his tweet. Others who probably follow him tweeted out his info so I called them rando
  23. Rando twitters reporting Ange is safe and the club plans to back him for the long term project. Will try to bring in at least one more player during this window
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