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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by midtown

  1. Um what. We scored first?
  2. How on God's green earth
  3. Buy a shit load of Delta gift cards and send them to family
  4. You don't deserve those points 😀 Buy a Delta gift card
  5. Well I dropped my bike today. At like 1mph. I used too much front brake when my bars were turned slightly stopping at a stop sign. I didn't get my bars straight before braking. Something to work on. A few scuffs on the muffler and front brake lever. Thats why Im practicing in my neighborhood for several months. In hindsight I should have bought a 2k used beater and learned on that. I will say the most annoying and honesty uncool thing is to be told by everyone who knows I got a bike is to tell me a story about someone they know who died etc. I know it's dangerous. I know the stats. This would be like me telling someone who told me their 16 yr old got a license. Oh hey your teen is 10x more likely to be injured or killed as a new driver.
  6. Instead of jamming this up with newbie shit maybe I shoild start a new thread for newbs info. Classes, gear, advice etc?
  7. Absolutely. I'm close to $700 in gear already. We will alao be taking advanced rider courses
  8. My soon to be 18 year old son is buying a bike. His mom and I begged him not to but even with financial dis-incentives he's going to be 18, has a job and free tuition so not much we can do. I could maybe push him off for a few years but eventually he is going to get one and be pissed off. So my choice was to fight him or join him and learn to ride safely and together. So add me to the motorcycle owner list. Took my class last Tues/Wed bought this Saturday. Finishing paperwork this afternoon. 2024 Kawasaki Eliminatore SE ABS. It's a 451. Looked like a perfect beginner bike. Matches my car
  9. What was Sichuan Garden called before? We used to go there all the time when I went out with coworkers many many years ago
  10. Agreed with the two above. Travel agents don't have access to secret cheap short connection flights
  11. Have a nice Saturday.. Garbage today
  12. That could have been much worse
  13. People make a lot of incorrect statements about San Antonio. This is not one of them
  14. I didnt really love San Pedro. Was fun for a day and I did enjoy the beers and burger at No Hay Deer. I heard San Juan is much more laid back and better for older travelers. I had a pretty good meal up in the Bario area of San Pedro at Mikaso Hotel at the suggestion of the Hay Deer owner. Santa Cruz was more my style. Panajachel wasnt bad either.
  15. That seems fair. I dont feel the need to return immediately but to me at this point being super close and having the outdoor activities I enjoy I can see a day where I just want to chill on lake atilan or wander around antigua for a few days or find a little place on the water
  16. Anyone ever bought PL tickets off of stubhub? Going to a match in May. Club tickets are sold out even for club memebers like me.
  17. Maybe you should stop smuggling drugs Myself as well as both my kids were insta-reapproved
  18. Taxi: cheap but timely not for those who get sea sick Flight: more expensive and fast but not for those who don't like small planes.
  19. Yup. It's definitely starting to lose it's small feel.
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