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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by midtown

  1. I also think that regulations will continue to make short term rentals illegal in more and more places. I want to say I saw a snippet of Dallas banning them.
  2. Speaking of cameras. True story. I stayed in an airbnb in Nashville for a conference at the convention center. I didn't stay in the hotel for two reasons. One is that the prices are insane for conferences. Two the last thing I want to do is be around a bunch of conference attendees after the conference. I stayed in a studio apartment about a 20 min walk away. The owner looked to be mid 20's and pretty damn good looking. This was clearly her home as most of her stuff was there. My guess is she leaves her place and stays with a boyfriend or friend and makes some easy coin. I had returned to the airbnb and wanted to watch a game on the TV and went looking for the remote. Wasn't on the TV stand. So I opened the left drawer. Filled with thongs. Closed it. Opened the right drawer. Filled with bras. My review said something to the effect of "midtown was very respectful of my things" which I assumed meant the camera did not show me sniffing her thongs.
  3. I've had some great Airbnb stays and I've had some not so good. I think the economics are catching up with Airbnb and many of their best owners have apparently created a direct competitor to bypass the high fees. I agree that airbnbs are especially good when you have multiple couples or families who may or may not fit well in a hotel/resort esp when you want your own space. There are times and places where I want to have a kitchen and be able to cook and there are times when I want a hotel lobby with a bar and a restaurant and room service and housekeeping. (will concede that many hotels are not offering daily housekeeping) Their customer service is a complete joke. I was notified the morning of arrival that my airbnb in Brussels that there was no hot water and was told to look for a hotel if I didn't like it. Took me hours upon hours just to get a free night. Its too bad because the apartment was fantastic The biggest issue for me these days is that as of now Airbnb has no loyalty program. I get hundreds if not thousands of dollars in free stays and benefits with Hilton. I think vrbo, hotels.com and one other have started a loyalty program.
  4. Taqueria Datapoint. Moved to Dezavala when they had the fire from their original location. The googles tells me they reopened in the med ctr
  5. Good for Winksy. I'm actually quite pleased so far with this window. Would like to see one of these CBs actaully signed.
  6. Just a reminder to all you married guys getting the chop. When you get divorced all the single moms will be very pleased with this
  7. I think Levy has been clear that the number is 100. If Bayern can do 70 then they can do 100.
  8. I live in one of the neighborhoods next to the Taqueria Datapoint Dezavala. It's quite good and kind of a SA institution. The late-30's waitress with all the gang tats is kind of hot. Depends what you want to eat. If you need some craft beers the Dooryard in the same center has some good beer. Lastly across the street in the Exxon is a Nepalese dumpling house called Momo. Surprisingly excellent. Definitely get the spicy Ginos Deli is 5 mins. Its something like the 4th highest rated restaurant in Texas on yelp or some crazy stat like that @JGrayDBU
  9. I've always liked Madison. Maybe he will punch Vardy in the face now
  10. Just a heads up for anyone buying a "higher end" weekend low mileage car. I moved my Mach 1 to Hagerty from GEICO where I have DD F 150. Saved me $500 a year in premium.
  11. Oh you are an absolute pussy who won't even stand up to your words. You said midtown is a person who: On a serious note here nobody on this site is stupid. Nobody is undesirable. This is a site full of above average people and I’d bet nobody here is incapable of finding a mate/companion. We'd all think more of you as a man if you just owned up to this
  12. I never called anyone out by name in this entire thread... You just 4 up mentioned me about being unable to meet women or something. I just quoted the people who called me out. you were on the list. Is this not you? Are you dumb? blind? or dementia?
  13. Actually. My divorce was not nasty at all. We actually used her attorney. I didn't even have one. People going at me so hard on here are so far from understanding who I am which makes this whole thread and most of the people in it trash. @G650 @Fudge Nuggets @956 Worldwide @SydneyCarton
  14. I am in no way angry. I do care about my fellow man and the mental health of men these days and it's really bad. I have no idea why I become the punching bag for this thread. Esp considering my game and the women I date. Clearly some of you are not on the travel threads. I've been called all kind of things from small dicked etc and I just got back from spending 5 days in Bimini with a 35 year old nurse who wouldn't give most of you a glance. I worry for my 17 yr old son and 14 yr old daughter. Where should the finger be pointed when you look at the statistics? Why do you think so many women and men today are single? Have men changed? Has the average male height changed? Nope. Has the average income for males changed? No it hasn't. And if you don't think that women are judge men on those two parameters then you are dead wrong. What's changed is that women today and IMO due to social media have been conditioned to think that every man makes six figures and that's so beyond reality. I just find it really odd at the fact that I assume 90% of the people chiming in here are probably not in the dating game and are talking about dogs etc that worked 20 years ago. I've watched it change over the last 12 years. If you have been married more than 5 years you have no idea what its like out there. I simply post a chart from bumble showing how the average woman today perceives the what the average male is and it isn't 6' and it isn't 6 figures. There are videos all over the place where vlogers interview women on the street. "whats your min for men?" "oh he has to be 6' and make $250k.
  15. Any posters who know me from previous boards or in person know that you all have no idea what you are talking about.
  16. Cooter nailed it. The policy premium ate up all the cash
  17. But you are fine with men not be able to decide their own self-value? You clearly do not understand the issue. This is the problem. Society esp in dating has told men that women decide their value. The hypocrisy is insane.
  18. Do you know that not a single dating app allows men to filter by weight? Because that would be mysoginst. That same average 170 5'4 is the exact one that has decided she's a 10 because society has told women they get to decide their value
  19. This whole thread really went off the rails. The issue of passport bros has nothing to do with meeting women or having game. The problem is recently and due to social media every women regardless of rating feels like they have a right to date a man that is min 6'2 who makes $200k a year. The number of unmarried, non-obese men who fit that category in the entire US is tiny like probably less than half a percent. Let alone in the city they live in. Let alone any other personality or physical traitsl Less than 4% of males in the ENTIRE us are above 6'2. I haven't seen it mentioned but here is the website for the female delusions calculator. https://igotstandardsbro.com/ Also here is an interesting chart of how delusional women are. The redline being the actual male height distribution
  20. I bought my 14 yr old a youth model. Its a solid gun. I have a Weatherby O/U that is also Turkish
  21. Son just released a statement saying he is staying at Spurs
  22. If they are starting at 60m then they will go to 80. All day.
  23. I was in Cambodia in Oct. Can't say I saw a whole lot of stunners but luckily was not in a hospital The bartender at our hotel was as cute as can be and about the nicest thing. If she hadn't been married and pregnant I would have brought her home. She did try to set me up with the other bartender but she was not where near as attractive
  24. Just added Nicaragua to my short list. Anyone been? I might try to jam this in this summer. Solo perhaps. A day or two in Managua then down to San Juan del Sur. Anything else?
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