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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by midtown

  1. I'm not sure there is 3-4 days in Bogota. I would carve off at least one if not two somewhere and go to the coffee region.
  2. Anyone want this jersey? No long fits my fat ass. It's a Voler club large. Just pay the shipping and ill get it to you ASAP
  3. I used to see pictures in the Alcalde and it looked like everyone was taking their RMD but in fairness I probably owe that another look
  4. Exactly. I have met so many people just sitting at a bar or whatever but a lot of solo dinners and discovering things on my own vs talking over 1000 year old carvings etc. I have considered the hostel thing but at the same time I feel like Im a tad old but the one time I did hang around some hostel people they brought me into their wolf pack whole heartedly. Whenever I do a group tour I always have great time and usually end up meeting back up with those people later in the evening. And where is the solo Asia travel being documented? @mycox
  5. I thought I'd start here before I start randomly searching the web. Anyone belong to or know anything about travel clubs/groups? My impression is that these are normally retired people in their 70s and 80's being wheeled around some tourist site because thats what I seem to meet/see in airports etc. My pleasure travel is increasing every year as witnessed by my contributions and threads. 9 countries in the last 12 months. With my kids getting older and more independent my ability to lock my door and leave the country for weeks or even months is only going to increase. I've done a lot of solo travel and enjoy it but Im finding more and more I like having friends along for multiple reasons. My friends are a combination of can't due to work and family obligations and don't really enjoy travel enough to make it a priority I'm single 52. A group of people in their late 30's to early 50's would be optimal.
  6. Do it. I'm going to do this in reverse in the fall. Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Ghent, maybe another night or two in Bruges then into London for a NFL and hopefully EPL game double. I will skip Brussels except for catching the eurostar and maybe a few beers at Delirium. But if you've never been to Brussels; ;a day to see a few of the tourist sites is good.
  7. midtown


    Nice try narc.... I'll just say that the customs in Bimini was about as lax of a customs check as I've ever seen. He simply asked if we had anything to declare and that was that. US was done at Tamiami which was also a one room customs and immigration. I asked the officer if they had global entry but he didn't seem to like or understand my sarcasm
  8. Well with Key West at least you can fly pretty much every major US airline into EYW
  9. I had never heard of Silver before this trip and unfortunately its the only airline that flies from the US to Bimini. I've flown all kinds of puddle jumpers in many counties and the US so I didnt think much about it. But yes. Its horrible. Even going there we kept running into people in FLL that were either canceled or delayed.
  10. Not weather. Flights we're coming and going all day. In talking to a pilot while I was waiting he said Silver is notorious for finding any reason to cancel. He said the excuse they used to cancel my flight was that the fire truck wouldn't start and you can't fly in or out of a airport without a working fire truck. Apparently it didn't start once so they canceled but then 10 mins later it started up and flights were going in and out all day again. It's complete bullshit.
  11. They booked me 3 days later. I would have incurred $900 in hotel expenses if I had waited the 3 days since there is no other hotel on the island. I really think this falls on United. They booked the flight. The rebooked the flight. I have a United confirmation number. Unfortunately I used my Citi Premier pts to buy the United/Silver flight. Citi offers no trip insurance. I'm going to use up my pts and close this card soon. Really good earning card but bad service. eg they've declined my card for gas on the other part of town etc. And no travel benefits. I used UA pts for the in country flights but did pay the tax with my United Infinite card so I have filed a claim with them. I'm going to file a claim with Sliver but I don't expect anything from them. My understanding is they are circling the drain. Do no fly this airline. I used my Hilton Aspire card for the hotel. It's their top card so it does have some travel benefits but from what I can see reading the terms they only cover things related to the hotel but I will contact them. I do have an AMEX Plat which usually will cover if you booked any portion of your trip on your plat. I did use this card to pay for the ferry from the airstrip on Bimini to the hotel so Ill try to file with them.
  12. Agreed with a little bit of what everyone has said. I think I might be SOL in general
  13. I used Citibank thank you rewards for a RT flight from FLL to Bimini. Citi booked me on United who subbed the flight to Sliver Air. On the return leg on Sunday my flight was completely canceled and the next flight wasn't until Wednesday. I called united and they rebooked me on Wednesday. Since I couldn't and wouldn't be waiting until Wed I had no choice but to pay $250 for a seat on a charter. And since that flight was much later I missed my United connection at FLL and also had to pay for a hotel room. United says its Silvers responsibility. Silver say Citi should refund me. Citi says the ticket is with United. Someone owes me $400 plus the cxld ticket cost. I just don't know who is responsible.
  14. And to add salt to the wound Pouchettino to Chelsea
  15. Romeros regression is directly related to who is playing behind and next to him. Which is shit
  16. No established manager is going to want to work with Levy. Might as well just get someone unknown and hungry.
  17. Houston might have the best food scene in the world outside of NYC when you take in the diversity of cuisine. Having said that I've spent a lot of time in Viet Nam and some of the Vietnamese food in SA is pretty damn good.
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