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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by midtown

  1. BMW makes some of the best interiors.. I wish my Mach 1 had that refinement
  2. I definitely can not understand the beaver teeth. I did the ceremic and it really helps. Esp with the brake dust
  3. Going off on players is usually the sign of a last straw
  4. Conteout These loses are just terrible. I can handle losing to good teams but all these last 3 are garbage. A championship side and the last team in the PL is unexcusable.
  5. I blew all mine this pass week. Closed the RR card that got me the points in the first place. Never again
  6. Put me in the I will never fly that fucking airline again boat. To and from Tampa with my kids and all the shit that makes SWA horrible happened. Trying to login and 24 hours and .0001 seconds or you get boarding group F 70 and have to sit all over the fucking airplane with kids and seat savers. Fuck that shit
  7. Is there even a decent manager that wants to work for Levy and ENIC?
  8. If it's not too hot stop in at wine 101. Also busted sandal. You can sit under the oaks. They often have live music
  9. Panama City is about 50/50 English/Spanish but that ratio gets much worse once you leave the city. My Spanish borders on basic to average. I would probably become fluent within a year of living in a Spanish community. I did find it odd that one of my uber drivers, after I said hello in English. He said in Spanish. I speak English but I'm not going to speak it. lol ok. Panama City is hot. The weather in Boquete is wonderful but man if you are retired and in your 70s etc and you need any kind of major medical it seems like it would take hours to get back to Panama City. I have no idea what medical is like in David or Boquete. Now they are expanding the airport in David to handle bigger planes. They can already land 73's but my guess is that want to get into the 78s so they can get direct traffic from all over. That might change the medical issue but that's going to take a while. The biggest benefit to lving in the city is not only access to the US but PTY is such an international city that you can probably fly almost anywhere in the world direct.
  10. I just feel more comfortable and at home in CR. I still have a lot of time to decide. Anything not in Boquete is pretty freaking hot.
  11. Don't get me wrong. I had a great time. And I enjoyed all the food, culture and people. I'd encourage anyone thinking about a trip to go for sure. I've been to plenty of places and had other people say Oh I hated _________ I did match on tinder with one of the hottest women I have ever seen. She even gave me her whatsapp but then disappeared when I suggested meeting. Per my uber driver girls from Venezuela and Colombia are $25. I actually matched with probably 60 women. Most ghosted when I said I was visiting.
  12. Punching someone should be an instant red no matter what
  13. Took my 15 and 13 about a year ago for spring break. It was bone chilling cold. My kids love to eat as most teenagers do so. Took them to Portillos, Gibsons, Au Cheval, Billy Goat Tavern and a pizza place of course. In addition to the things you already mentioned. We did a the Museum of illusions. Small but entertaining. We did a walking tour that had a ghost and murder slant to it. Kids were entertained by that. There is a small military themed museum. My 15 son like it. My daughter not so much. We also did the TILT
  14. I'll add another story. After traveling back to Panama City and checking in it was time for a post travel cocktail and a bite to eat. Google showed this place (Kaandela) just a block away from my hotel as open. Looked in the window and it was clearly not open and the door was locked. Well I guess the owner saw me. Opened the door and insisted that I come in even though they didnt open for well over an hour. He took me back to the bar where I ordered one of the best damn old fashioneds I've ever had. We talked about development of Casco Viejo and Panama in general and where his groups other hotels/restaurants are etc. They have a small hotel above the restaurant. Nicest English chap. He asked if I wanted to come back for dinner and after looking at the menu and including his hospitality absolutely. The maître d came over took down my name and said just to come back at 7pm and they will have a table for me. As soon as I walked in. "Hello Mr. John" All the waiters were calling me by name. Even the chef was calling me by name. The also gave me the chefs table. The food and drinks were delicious. I had the duck hash and short rib.
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