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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by midtown

  1. Match day What teams shows up the good one or the awful one?
  2. Boca Chica Panama. Staying here https://www.seagullcoveresort.com/ Fishing with https://reelinninpanama.com/ Perfect. I've got some spoons and rattles. Easy enough. Thanks
  3. Quick help from the more experienced anglers. headed down to central america. Pacific. will spend a day inshore fishing with a guide. other days will be spent just chilling around the resort which is right on the water. they have a dock so i thought Id take a travel set up and just grab a beer and throw some line out. not sure ill have access to any bait so my thought was to take a few hooks and lures. Guide says grey snapper aka mangrove should be around. So what should I do? Popper? use a spec rig? internet says #2 hook. any thoughts on a few lures to take? Also might take my set up to the beach or any place else anyone recommends while down there.
  4. midtown

    Getting old sucks

    Checking in. Last Saturday squatted. Which I seldom do anymore because of my back. Felt a little stiffness in my left knee on Sunday. Not unusual since I've had surgery on that knee. Monday rode my mtn bike. Overnight Monday my knee looked like it had a grapefruit in it. Figured it was just overuse. So I stared ice and anti-inflammatories. Not much help and the pain was excruciating. My ortho buddy was in surgery that day so he got me into their walk in ortho. PA took out 100cc. But wouldn't do an injection because the fluid didn't look right. And I was running a low grade fever. So infection was unlikely but they don't want to inject it if for some reason it actually is an infection. 800mg ibu and tramadol. Helped a little but it swelled right back up so any movement at all was so freaking painful. Little to no sleep these last 5 days. I kind of understand getting addicted to narcotics because I would have shot heroin for some pain relief. Labs back last night. No infection but confirmed psuedogout. Went back into walkin. Dr on duty drained another 100cc and steroid shot. I feel like a new man this morning. Getting old sucks.
  5. I mean why not. It's not like there isn't space in the dome. And they are definitely going to buy food and drink.
  6. Lol. That is definitely chicos mom.
  7. Lighten up Francis. It's an internet board. If I submit my work for publishing Ill be sure to run it by my team of editors at Pendant
  8. Bunch of fucking hypocrites actually. NBC, Men in blazers and everyone else has been sucking on Pep and Cities dick for the last 7 years when everyone knew they were cooking the books.
  9. 50 is terrible. Unfortunately you are learning the hard way to hold off on any SUB until the bonus is much larger.
  10. Hope Haaland enjoys playing in the championship next year.
  11. There are a few places up there. You'll probably end up going into town a few times. OH Don't eat at crocs imo. But good sunset and drinks
  12. I've always just stayed near Palapa Bar. 6 times and I've either stayed at blue Tang or Tradewinds which is next door. Can walk to everything I need. Grocery. Sandy Toes. Crab races. Chicken drop. And everything in town. And Tino my fishing guide docks his boat Chuck and robbies. I also feel like you can give your teens free range in that area. I also like being 5 mins from the airport. Both coming and going. I think things are pretty quiet south and closer to some of the tougher parts of San Pedro. But I hear good things about Ramons Village. They seem to have their own set of bars and restaurants. North of the bridge is just too far from what I like to do. You can go as far as you are willing to. There just aren't a lot of restaurants etc But if you're goal is just to be around your group all good
  13. He looks familiar from the SA watching meets
  14. Looks like we might be largely healthy. COYS
  15. They are the same owner. IMO the second location was always a notch or two below the original much like many second locations. It was just in a better part of town
  16. He's definitely missing the bullseye on Los Barios
  17. Honestly. I haven't been in several years. My last impression was that it was damn good
  18. Los Barios is a good oprion
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