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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by midtown

  1. I live 3.1 miles from my ex. My then 14 yr old son did not get ready to go back to his moms house in time and I had to leave to get an appointment. I left. Which includes two two lane 40mph+ streets.(Lockhill and Huebner if you know the area) There are sidewalks and it was 4pm ish and told him to walk and he did. I texted his mom and let her know to expect him in about an hour. He had his phone and his backpack. It started sprinkling. He wasn't late again and I think he gained a bit of confidence and indpendence.
  2. So CSR has an 80k bonus again. I got it 8 years ago on the CSR and I got the CSP 80k bonus right at two years ago. My records show I opened the CSP Nov 3 but I don't know when I actually go the 80k deposit. I assume it took me a few months to rack up the spend. So Im pretty close to being past the 48 mths I poked around the chase website but can't really see back that far as to when I actually got the bonus. Any ideas on how to find that date?
  3. I love financial disasters like this because twitter is fing hilarious
  4. I get what you are saying here but this is completely different. I do not think bitcoin with go to zero. Blockchain and bitcoin have legit commercial utility even though its completely overblown. Bitcoin and all shitcoins will eventually be pegged to other currencies and the insane speculation will end. People will speculate as they do in other currencies but the arbitrage will keep it in line mostly. If they don't; there is no way its going to gain wide public use not with such massive daily swings in the value on the downside. Especially after this blow up. I wouldn't be surprised actually if there is some type of shadow multiple government intervention now to get bitcoin to a low price so it can be pegged.
  5. All those crypto commercials were fing cringy. Where's Matt Damon? Oh and someone claims to have a copy of a sex tape between SBF and that creepy chick and will release it if justice isn't served. Um no one. I mean no one wants to see that.
  6. Now Binance is under investigation by congress for their role in the FTX collapse. Guess there were quite a few congressman had some assets at FTX? Fair enough
  7. The fact that this is ALL over social media and none of it is positive. Everyone with a page is saying to liquidate. I can't imagine what is going on at all these exchanges and coins in the background. And what happens when they get a few of these fraud guys like SBF under a bright light at the FBI or wherever and they start really mapping this stuff out and the fraudsters start pointing to where all the bodies are to save their own necks? YIKES
  8. Not even close. There are still hundreds of coins, exchanges, funds, loans, margin calls etc that are probably coming.
  9. Agreed. There are going to be a lot of families broke/bankrupt because they believed all this crap and pump. I wouldn't be surprised to hear about a lot of suicides over this. Lots of expensive stuff is about to get cheap.
  10. Rumor is SBF is being extradited to the US I think it all unravels at 14000 for bitcoin. That's where Saylor gets a call and the selling goes runaway freight train. The fed and banks offer to peg bit coin at something small like $100. LOL. this is going to be hilarious for the crypto bros
  11. Not that I really listen to Dr. Doom but just leaving this here This can't be real. As many above pointed out. What does this guy have on all these people and media where they are still talking highly of him?
  12. When you have unregulated markets and unregulated coins etc there really isn't much in the way of broken laws or fraud is my guess. That's kind of the whole point of regulation or lack there of.
  13. How else do you expect JPM to unload it's crypto inventory?
  14. In other words "we need to get the last group of suckers in for one last pump and dump"
  15. Yeah. Well I don't watch TV but I know they have shows. Seems like having a debit card tucked away somewhere would make sense for travel from time to time unless this is the only travel you will ever do. You wouldn't really have to tell anyone and could maintain your "i dont have a debit card persona"
  16. jesus Emerson..my daughter would have finished that
  17. Definitely this. Been doing it every other week for 12 years. Props to those who doing it 365. But yes you figure out a system. Plus there are always tons of parents who are willing to help with pick ups and shared rides. esp when they get into sports. Your kids also get more independent too. Once everyone realizes you can actually wait outside a school for 15 or 20 mins and don't get kidnapped and you can leave your kids home for a bit without the house being burned down or a gang of murders casing your house.
  18. @justhookit Any update on the Panamerican Hwy issue? Still fucked until December? I'm getting an itch to get down there.
  19. The crypto bros should be dumping their Rolexes now.
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