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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by midtown

  1. Definitely this. Been doing it every other week for 12 years. Props to those who doing it 365. But yes you figure out a system. Plus there are always tons of parents who are willing to help with pick ups and shared rides. esp when they get into sports. Your kids also get more independent too. Once everyone realizes you can actually wait outside a school for 15 or 20 mins and don't get kidnapped and you can leave your kids home for a bit without the house being burned down or a gang of murders casing your house.
  2. @justhookit Any update on the Panamerican Hwy issue? Still fucked until December? I'm getting an itch to get down there.
  3. The crypto bros should be dumping their Rolexes now.
  4. Will do. My biggest concern is obviously acquiring away end tickets. No idea how many are even out there or if have any chance of getting them through Spurs COYS Scuba wetsuits today
  5. So it looks like the luxury watch market is really turning over. I'd looked at getting another Breitling about 6 mths ago and it was insane. Now there are used Breitlings all over the place and very reasonable 3-5k.
  6. Shove to the ground from the back when he had a chance to cross it. How is it not a pen?
  7. @4th and 5 No link. Just go to SWA website and click Rapid rewards and it pops up for me
  8. Didn't see this posted. I sent it to some friends/family and one was not eligible because I assume there are "everything on the SWA card" spenders (Which is dumb of course) and this is to try to get people who don't spend on SWA to do some spending. 15k points just for buying gas is crazy good though and when you have two V8's that get 14 mpg maxing out is pretty easy for me.
  9. Get a sitter. Leave the diapers and go. This from a person who travels with their kids and thinks it's the best gift you can give them and the memories are awesome but this isnt the case. Your 5 mo won't remember anything. You hardly interact with a 5 mo old other than changing diapers and feeding. After 5 Mos of baby time you both could use a break Edit Didn't notice or read Irish post with the exact thoughts above.
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