Siem Reap. I can not speak highly enough about this town. In fact the neighborhood of Wat Bo was just named like 3rd best neighborhood in the world. Not seeing that but its getting chic with little cafes, restaurants etc. The amount of construction is unbelievable and we saw at least 4 super cars. McLaren's, lambos etc. There are 4-5 star hotels everywhere. Its like South Beach. Great town to just walk around. Excellent food. Beer larvae ftw. They are really odd with the currency. They love $$ but will only take nice clean bills. Anything beat up. Negative. ATMs will actually disperse $100s. Pub street was a nightmare with constant hounding about drugs and women. NTTIAWWT
I knew the minute I first stepped foot in Viet Nam that I would return and I did. Siem Reap and Cambodia is 100% a return spot for me. I could do another day of Temples, another day of chilling in one of the many great hotels and then head down to their beaches which are supposed to be pretty amazing as well.