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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by midtown

  1. My daughters club clearly knows I'm a Spurs fan. I was not present at their media day so I was surprised to see this
  2. You'd think so but the sports world is littered with billionaires who buy teams that seem to have absolutely no plan in place at all and drive franchises and clubs into bankruptcy.
  3. They paid $2 mil for the club itself.
  4. Austins MLS stadium was $250mil. That new KOP they are doing is what $50 mil? That and further stadium upgrades to the racetrack are going to add up. I'm sure tiktok is good for several hundred mil Reynolds net worth is 150mil.
  5. Where is the haggis? Scotland breakfast and all. BTW. If you do take RBS notes to England they will look at it like its a ransom note but they are legal and accepted.
  6. I'd rather just play the damn schedule but at least Ill only need one screen tomorrow in the 11am slot
  7. I haven't dug much into the finances and all but I assume Deadpool and Rob are backed by some type of VC or silent investor. I also wonder if this is a flip. I'd like to think they are in it for the long haul because even though they are actors they seem to be really interested. I will say though I find it odd they haven't attended any matches as far as I can tell. Seems like a lot of this is being done by proxy. Not that half the owners in the PL hardly attend matches. Although I understand they both work but still if I can make it to ENG once a year for a match they can too. Perhaps in a few years they sell off the bulk of the club but maintain a small ownership. 1. Buy forgotten financial disaster club with history 2. Get massive exposure. Ramp revs up with merch sales etc. Spend on players. 3 Move up 2-3 leagues 4. ??? 5. Sell and profit. As much as I think in part big $$ is probably ruining club football, for a city and club like Wrexham it's a godsend. If this is successful and profitable I expect this could be a blueprint for more people to buy and refurbish a club. The thing they have though is that they are very funny and likeable dudes.
  8. And possibly next week as well. Next open date to make up matches is January Also
  9. I'm enjoying the show
  10. Just saw a text that games this wknd will likely be called off. It was from one of the 10-20 Spurs fan twitters that I follow. No idea if its true at all
  11. This feels like a Tom Herman hire IMO.
  12. @DallasGatr Any restaurant recs? Obviously SE Asia the street food is 5 star but anything notable? Will have two nights in Ha Noi for dinners. And if anyone has any recs in Vientiane, Luang Prabang, Siem Reap, or Bangkok I'm all up for suggestions.
  13. Richarlison has more goals in the UCL than Arsenal in the last 5 years
  14. I'm guessing Liverpool fans are wishing they were locked out of a CL match twice in a row
  15. Thats absolutely a red card. Son was in. LOL at Royal grabbing the red card to hand it back to the ref so he could use it.
  16. Dempsey "my Nacogdoches draw would get me on that one" 😄 Dempsey giving it to Carragher
  17. Something is simply not right with Son. How often does he get his pocket picked like that one on one? Get em going Conte
  18. Announcers clearly do not understand Conte ball
  19. If you call it a newsletter then you might be interested in calling in on your rotary phone to listen to hot babe chat
  20. Yeah. Unless Austin operates different than most airports; inbound international gates can be used for intl and domestic and outbound can be any gate as long as it can handle the metal.
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