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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by midtown

  1. Yeah. That was largely my experience. Its a long day to start. By 8 or 9pm most people are pretty beat. Not expecting a night club atmosphere but was just hoping that the avg age wasnt 75 and everyone using walkers etc.
  2. I am also thinking 3 in Luang Prabang. Kuang Si is 100% on my list. Then a day just wandering the little town. Hopefully a food tour Mostly when I travel I just book a very moderate hotel since Im just sleeping in it but 3 stars in SE Asia are more like 5 Stars in the US. Was going to ramp up to a really nice place in Luang Prabang and have a day to just sit by the pool and have some laundry done and day drink. Maybe catch up on some emails work etc.
  3. Are there any actual metrics for how well a manager can actually manage? Based on talent on the club should Klopp actually have won more? Can he actually manage through injuries etc? Everyone talks about Pep like he's the greatest manager ever but really how hard is it when you have the talent that some of theses clubs have. Some kind of win per $$
  4. Anyone want to weigh in. I am trying to debate what city to do 3 days vs 2 days Do I do 3 in Luang Prabang or 3 in Siem Reap. Initially I had planed to have 4 and 3 but as mentioned above had to add two extra days in Ha Noi and a full day in Bangkok for my buddies sake. I could easily have just shown up in Bangkok in the afternoon, gone for dinner and a few beers and left the next day but he wants to spend one day there. There is also a very high chance I will return to SE Asia in a few years so it's not like this is an all or nothing trip.
  5. Blue print for how to buy and fund a club. Get two funny famous dudes. Buy a club. Get it on a network. Tweet about it. Money rolls in.
  6. The article states pretty clearly that PUF funds can not be used to offset tuition. Also what the article completely misses is the fact that this is the endowment for the UT SYSTEM of which there are 250,000 students. Harvard has 22,000. . The state constitution allows for those mineral funds to be spent on capital expenses like the construction of classrooms, hospitals and labs, all of which helps keep pace with increasing enrollment. For most of the schools, the funds cannot be spent on daily operations or providing tuition assistance and scholarships.
  7. You could become a white poet warlord
  8. I was wondering what Klopps excuse was going to be
  9. As much as I like Arlo White. Peter Drury is so good.
  10. Be careful with this. My ticket specifically mentioned that I would have to show my club ID to use the ticket. It was not checked but I think the policy for tickets bought based on your standing that they can not go to a public person. And they can not be transferred unless that person has a CRN
  11. I feel pretty good about top 4 at this point but window isn't even closed. 2-5 looks pretty wide open. Chelsea might be imploding even thought they outplayed us. Arsenal have the easiest start to the season amongst the entire PL so verdict is out. And what's going on with Pool? Was Mane really everything for them?
  12. I paid $350ish to sit in the leather seat club level at Tottenham on about the 30 yard line. It was the last home match last year vs Burnley. 100% sold out sans a few hundred nose bleed seats two months out. I emailed the international liaison for club members and the response was "give us $350 and we will get you a seat by match day" Got my ticket a day before the match. I found the secondary market to be sketchy as shit.
  13. @sidis I would wait long time to see how things play out. The table will have a lot to do with ticket availability.
  14. If I hadn't picked my PL team 5 years ago and spent thousands on travel, matches, and merch I'd be all aboard the LEEDS train
  15. Kind of what happens when you are an insufferable cunt
  16. Newcastle front line are murdering Citys defense
  17. Leeds up to a tied at second in the table
  18. Wow. Leeds Is this the most American PL match in history with Pulisic now on?
  19. It's seriously a magical place and it's a surreal experience being in Ha Long Bay. I told this story before but I was on the upper deck just amazed b the view and talking to this LBC cop. And he said the most amazing thimg. He said. Do you know why we are here vs all those other people are not? I thought he was going to say something involving moon phases and stars aligning etc and he just said the most travel thing ever. He said 'we pressed enter'
  20. If WHU and ManU both win tomorrow Pool will be in 17th with 2 pts and a negative GD. Let that soak in
  21. FIFY. Shit Pool look lost without Mane are in a relegation match tomorrow
  22. Very aggy. 3 matches vs bottom half clubs and they are all of a sudden top 2? LOL
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