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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by midtown

  1. I'm up. Watched first half from bed. Not impressed
  2. Hopefully used supply has caught up because when I went to look for a nice used O/U there was NOTHING available
  3. No suspension for Conte. Just a fine. Tuchel the cunt one game suspension and fine
  4. A Weatherby Orion over under $899. I have one 12
  5. Ndombele officially on loan for the season. Lazy ass. Rumors of RM looking at Hojbjerg to replace Casemiro
  6. This will be my second trip to Viet Nam which is by far the best trip I've ever done. In 2016 I did Sai Gon, Hue, Hoi An, Ha Noi, Ha Long Bay. I had expected to go solo on this trip so my stay in Viet Nam was just going to be Ha Noi for 2 nights and hadn't even planned on doing Ha Long again but I can't let my buddy miss that and I actually wouldn't mind at all spending a night out there again after a 6 year gap. We are on this cruise. The tour company I used on my previous trip suggested three. This one being the 3* they also suggested a 4 and 5 star but my thinking was that a 3* would have a younger more fun group than a old group of on a 5 star. https://reneacruiseshalong.com/ 4 and 5 respectively https://www.peonycruises.com/ https://www.dragonlegendcruise.com/ Same company has us on a military jeep food tour the first morning in Ha Noi
  7. Looks like this trip if finally going to happen after years of covid delays. No restrictions or quarantines other than showing vaccine card. Visas for Viet Nam, Laos, and Cambodia secured. And I have a life long friend joining me. We went to CR a year ago and have very similar thoughts on travel. Oct 6-21. Ha Noi, Ha Long Bay, Vientiane, Luang Prabang, Siem Reap, and Bangkok. I haven't been this excited about a trip in a long time.
  8. Sanchez has actually played much better under Conte. I can't remember him making a bonehead play in a while
  9. I'm sure the red card was someone else's fault
  10. There are videos showing that Bentancur did get the ball on the tackle vs Havertz. The hair pull is no different than a jersey pull IMO. Which happens on every single set piece. Could have been a foul but refs said no. Speaking of missed calls. Reece should have gotten a second yellow on holding Son and pulling him to the ground
  11. Replay shows tuchel holding onto contes shake and pulling him
  12. COYS! Headed down to the pub with my son to watch the match with the SA Spurs
  13. Are we going to talk about how Nottinghams symbol looks like a penis?
  14. FYI. Fuck Chase Sapphire Preferred. I tried to use my CSP to pay for a tour company in Viet Nam for a trip. Declined for $138. Called Chase. Background I had thought I lost my CSP so I cxld it and ordered another one which is what I tried to use. When I called Chase CSP number the person didn't even know I had a new card. He tells me he sees no rejected transactions and to try it again. Declined. Then proceeds to tell me its not Chase declined its the merchant. I used my Citi Premier with no issues. 15 mins later I get a chase fraud notice to confirm. Bitch that was 15 mins ago. Called them back and let thme have it. This is supposed to be a high level travel card. I have four cards with you dumb asses. I have spent probably 20,000 on travel on your cards this year alone. Fix your algos. Moved my Chase pts to my Freedom card and closed it. Citi has better point x's and I plan to but all my spending on United Infinite, Amex Hilton, and Citi Premier.
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