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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by midtown

  1. Sad. When he played with purpose he was fantastic. EVERY manager wanted him gone
  2. The more I think about having a place outside the US the more I am leaning towards just leasing a place for a year or two at a time. I was dead set on buying a house but over the last two years I've been tracking home sales and houses sit for years sometimes. Too many variables to sit on hundreds of thousands in an illiquid asset in a foreign country.
  3. San Antonio now top BBQ city. Austin number 2. https://www.lmtonline.com/news/article/BBQ-cities-in-US-America-San-Antonio-Austin-Texas-17366730.php
  4. Just look at all those strip malls and fast food joints
  5. Table and sauce is a dead give away. Probably having his truck lifted while he's at it
  6. Is SJO really that jammed up on flights? I've sat in the AXP club which faces the runway and it doesn't seem like that flights are landing left and right. Is it gate constrained? Is this just so people who are just there to fish multiple days or for tournaments without having to stay up on the hill?
  7. The BMW beaver teeth grill is the ugliest thing I've ever seen in the auto world. Someone must have been on drugs. Nttiawwt
  8. Its such a bit. They commonly accept USD in Vietnam and when you pay for you VOA they ONLY accept USD. But hey it's just like the US apparently
  9. Let's see how the rigors of the PL and a bruising defenders take their toll on Haaland. Then again that is a big freaking dude.
  10. The better one from last year is below that one
  11. The comparison is uncanny. One of the richest blue bloods just being average and can't stop stepping on its own dick
  12. Don't look now but we are winning the PL 😆
  13. Well shit Same shit. Slow start. random defense failure
  14. 15 mins. Everything is San Antonio is 15-20 mins away from anything else. And I don't know anyone from SA that goes south of town on 10. Everyone I know goes north on 37 and then back to 10
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