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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by midtown

  1. @justhookit @BehoId, The Underminer! This just came on the market in Quepos. You guys want to split it? https://crlre.com/properties/puerto-de-cielo-•-mixed-used-building/
  2. Thanks for the review. Will put that on my list
  3. It was made clear to me from the realtor in Atenas that petty theft of things you left out was common and that having a caretaker in property for when you were gone for weeks or months was a good idea. This sounds worse
  4. Is it because the Rolex market is dropping so he's happy to be able to sell you a watch?
  5. Welp. That's off my list now
  6. Clearly. Would you mind narrowing down a tad?
  7. What part of CR are you in?
  8. Joe Rodon out on loan to Rennes with option to buy. Good luck. We hardly knew you
  9. 1.2 is the annuity. Cash option is like $700mil. Fed tax down to 350 and then state of Illinois is what 5%? So another 35 mil. 315mil net
  10. I would just rather get it done with an evisa. With all that is going on with ever changing travel entry requirements etc its one last thing to deal with on the ground. I also assume all these countries are desperate for tourists so they are kind of waving people through
  11. I'm going to take out a life insurance policy on the winner. Odds are pretty much 100% that person will be dead in 5 years.
  12. Super relaxed. Thanks to 52-80 found the e-visa for Cambodia. All three e-visas in process.
  13. How long until we find out this is all fabricated and she's moved to some island and is living off our donations?
  14. Interesting. I can see how it would be nice to have a back up in case your primary ever got lost or stolen etc. And I guess some people have them so that your past visas don't get you denied at a secondary country.
  15. I must have gotten an intern. VOA would be much better
  16. thank you. I looked and did not see that. I called the embassy and the gentleman said no evisas were available. I wonder if that's legit. Vietnam and Laos both have evisas so I thought it was odd Cambodia didn't
  17. Anyone have any input? Good or bad? The only way to get a visa into Cambodia is to mail your passport to the embassy in DC or apply in person. I am not keen on sending my passport and having it possibly getting lost, stolen, damaged etc. Esp with this trip 3 months out. No way would I be able to get another one in time. In 2000 I mailed my passport to be renewed and it was lost. And I had the special green one. All I eventually got back from the USPS was my application and the torn up envelope. I'm tempted to just fly to DC for a night and get it done. $500 in travel/hotel vs mailing and possibly never seeing it again.
  18. As if her roast beef taco would stop any of you degenerates
  19. This has been my philosophy for the last 20 years. I checked a set of golf clubs to wedding in NOLA from NYC circa 2001. They lost my clubs which also happened to have some sandals that I had planned to wear pretty much the entire trip. They didn't find the bag until I was back in NYC. The airline delivered my bag and left it outside my walk up in the middle of the day and didn't even bother to tell me. The doorman across the street witnessed it and grabbed it and left me a note. I have not checked a bag since. Although I believe they are much better at baggage these days in general but I still hear plenty of horror stories. Plus I do a ton of public transpo and walking. Watching people drag checked bags onto trains, subways, and up and down streets looks like an epic beating.
  20. I haven't checked a bag in at least 20 years unless I was required to like when I brought a knife home from Japan. You can easily carry a weeks worth of clothes in a carry on. I can't believe the idea of doing laundry on the road is new to anyone. Most hotels have a laundry service and some have self serve on premises.. In parts of Asia you can have your entire wardrobe washed and folded for $1. And like Mo says there is almost always a laundry facility and in most cases there is a bar or restaurant near by. If worse comes to worse you can always do some essentials in the hotel room. It helps if you aren't as concerned about people on instagram realizing you packed light and you are wearing the same outfit twice.
  21. He said next summer and hotels do have air conditioning Imagine going all the way to the UK to watch dumb fucking tennis?
  22. Yeah but come evening it's going to be filled with young shit faced chubby euros.
  23. I took a LNER train from Edinburgh to London in April. It's about 5 hours but it doesn't feel like it because you are watching the English countryside and small towns. I booked a first class seat which costs right around 100 lbs. Good meal. Drinks. Wine etc. Bathrooms are very clean. Agree with this but if you have only 7 you'll need to cut somewhere but it also depends what you like. I've done everything in London on a previous trip so most of my time was spent at the stadium for a tour and match. I think you can do most of London in 3 days and most of Edinburgh in 3 as well.
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