FYI. Fuck Chase Sapphire Preferred. I tried to use my CSP to pay for a tour company in Viet Nam for a trip. Declined for $138. Called Chase. Background I had thought I lost my CSP so I cxld it and ordered another one which is what I tried to use. When I called Chase CSP number the person didn't even know I had a new card. He tells me he sees no rejected transactions and to try it again. Declined. Then proceeds to tell me its not Chase declined its the merchant. I used my Citi Premier with no issues. 15 mins later I get a chase fraud notice to confirm. Bitch that was 15 mins ago. Called them back and let thme have it. This is supposed to be a high level travel card. I have four cards with you dumb asses. I have spent probably 20,000 on travel on your cards this year alone. Fix your algos. Moved my Chase pts to my Freedom card and closed it. Citi has better point x's and I plan to but all my spending on United Infinite, Amex Hilton, and Citi Premier.