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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by midtown

  1. I've spent well over 30 years in total living here and I never hear it pronounced like that unless it's someone trying to be cute so let's just end this stupid debate.
  2. I say move around as much as possible to give your kids diverse experiences. I also wouldnt minimize train travel. Seeing the countryside go by and having a chance to slow down and interact with your kids would be special IMO Also disagree. Could be overhyped but for kids that age the architecture and the museums alone I think are worth the visit. During the right time of year its a fantastic city to wander around. If your kids have read The Anne Frank Diaries. The ability to actually experience the house and putting real life to a book is pretty amazing.
  3. Downtown SA is exploding. I assume we are getting a ton of flow over from those looking to escape CA etc who would normally move to Austin but simply cant afford an urban lifestyle in Austin or Dallas. Southtown has been going for several years now and Lavaca has been for probably 10 years. But now everything is gentrifying. Arsenal is already well into its modernization. Clay Street has a sweet condos. S. Presa has started. When you look at S. Presa it's bordered by King William and Lavaca so it's just logical for it to be next. Even Dignowity Hill which is east of the Alamo dome is going too. That area is still pretty raw and was one of the highest crime areas in SA for decades. IMO it's going to take a while if forever for SA to become as sterile and insufferable as as the other big metros in Texas. Too much culture built into this city and by far the only really unique large city in Texas in the first place. You're average white snowflake transplant that would have no issues moving to segregated city like Austin is going to have a bit of a culture shock trying to move into a condo in Dignowity Hill today once they realize their neighbors are minorities and there is a crack house on the same street. One realtor friend told me that a ton of the development in the general downtown area is from developers from Austin/Dallas etc who are finding the land super cheap relatively to other metros and are driving the development. And the architecture kind of looks like it IMO. Not sure if that's true. My game plan is to move downtown in two years when my son leaves the house. Then it will just be me and my daughter for a few years so a 2-3 bdr will be fine. Something I can lock up and leave for 4-6 months at a time. Once she's gone I will either purchase or lease a place in the central valley of CR and just go back and forth.
  4. Unless you fly directly into the city you are living or doing business in and you are walking right out of the airport you are going through security in the US. And when you leave the US you are doing security again. Btw if he/she is Jordan Belfort yacht rich they aren't even flying domestic and doing security or immigration and using MP with the masses in the first place.
  5. If it did the same thing I wouldn't have had to wait for all the people I've traveled with who used mobile passport. You must have gotten fisted in the global entry interview.
  6. Like I said before it really doesn't do much for the Mexico or Belize trips. If all I did was go to Mexico once a year I probably wouldn't bother. Esp if you are landing at a small intl airport like Bergstrom or Hobby on a 73. Throw in that those flights are seldom banked due to being on a similar time zone. It makes a massive difference when you are coming off of one of 3-4 supers at large intl airport like SFO, ORD, DFW, JFK etc from Europe or Asia where the airlines bank multiple wide bodies at the same time. You can easily get 6-7 supers landing within an hour of each other. That's well over 1000 passengers all at once.
  7. It wasn't domestic security, I did that about 5 mins after leaving immigration. It's a completely automated passport control. Much like they have leaving the Netherlands. Zero human interaction. Perhaps they are just testing it in areas of Heathrow with less traffic. I have to assume a relatively small number of passengers arriving at Heathrow are boarding a domestic flight. The bulk are either transiting or entering London. Lol they even have a youtube of it
  8. I went through LHR in early May and there was no line at all. And I arrived at 7am which is peak arrival in the UK from the US. Just an automated passport control turnstile thing. Place your passport in a slot. Smile for the camera. Scan boarding pass and the doors open. Not sure what que anyone would even stand in. Perhaps it had something to do with the fact that I was heading to a domestic flight to Scotland.
  9. I would keep a mask or two around but nothing on domestic flights and no airports I've been in since the revocation. We were actually notified upon boarding our flight to Belize that PGIA required them. But when going back a few weeks ago zero use in the airport. I guess it's possible that some airports are under the control of the local municipality and could still require masks but yet to hear anything like that. Sent from my Pixel 6 Pro using Tapatalk
  10. I did not. They just renewed me Sent from my Pixel 6 Pro using Tapatalk
  11. For $15 for five years it's completely worth it. Indeed MP can definitely speed things vs the regular line. My GF used it at IAH a few weeks ago and I only beat her by 15 mins with my GE. And if you are the only plane landing and its a 73 then yeah not a huge time saver. But if you happen to land with 3-4 supers with 900 people piling in at once it does make a huge difference. I've seen some pretty long MP lines on more than one occasion. Why even deal with it for a few bucks a year?
  12. No one and I mean no one but George Strait can or should use San Antone. If we do that we might as well start going full douche and try to pretend like we are NYC but using terms like the SATX and using abbreviations for neighborhoods.
  13. We need to find a way to harvest all these invasive species and turn them into food for livestock, fish etc. Can we just cook up all these things and turn them into some kind of pellet and feed animals with it?
  14. I just watched that Kulu interview. Pretty hilarious Also Richarlison will be suspended for the first match of the season due to a flare throwing incident Twitters saying Bergwijn to Ajax almost done. Good luck to him. Simply no room for him
  15. Spurs have two boot winners and a playmaker winner on the same line. Add Kulu and easily the best attack. There has to be stat out there but id wager spurs front three scored more than anyone together Sent from my Pixel 6 Pro using Tapatalk
  16. Found a new Marie Sharps last week in SP No wimps. Beware is great too Sent from my Pixel 6 Pro using Tapatalk
  17. I've only looked at homes in Atenas. When people talk about mtns and expats in CR I believe they are referring to the central valley (even though it not a valley) which is West of SJO. San Ramon, Atenas and all the little towns that cater to ex-pats.
  18. midtown


    Should be good times. Was there last week. Zero issues taking gummies into the country Sent from my Pixel 6 Pro using Tapatalk
  19. midtown


    Should be good times. Was there last week Sent from my Pixel 6 Pro using Tapatalk
  20. Same. Once. It was wall to wall people. You couldn't even see the water in the pool there were so many people in it. After two days we finally figured out the only way to actually enjoy the deck is to stay while the dinners are going on. We also made sure to get off the boat at every single stop just to have some peace for a few hours
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