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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by midtown

  1. If you think that's odd imagine signing his Brazilian back up for a similar amount. He can spell Kane or Son. He can play wing. Spurs need depth in the middle vs running Kane into the ground esp fighting on four fronts Sent from my Pixel 6 Pro using Tapatalk
  2. I was on vacation so I didn't have time to post the tweet but saw a few saying ENIC will likely be selling in the next few years as the club valuation is about as high as it can get
  3. My kids and I exude class and wealth. Doors open for us. My 12 year old daughter dresses like a homeless person so people assume she's a tiktok billionaire
  4. My 15 and 12 year old managed to stay alive downtown Chicago.
  5. Have you tried the kitchen? Vegas - Shows. Excellent restaurants. Pools full of douches isn't my thing but the half dressed girls is nice. Gambling if that's your thing. Or golf Chicago - probably the best mix of entertainment, food, museums, sports etc in the US. Florida - despite the reputation I still enjoy Florida and which coast or town you choose can be 180 difference.
  6. Looks like mostly Mexicans a few Salvadorians and Hondurans
  7. For those who are not big flyers and don't really get much in the way of status. Found out that the United Infinite card comes with Premier access. Normally not a big deal for me since I don't check bags or deal with the ticketing counter at all but on my most recent trip I took my bag checker girlfriend. In the Belize airport the bag check line was probably 45 mins long. No one in the premier line. So I was able to get through there in 5 mins. I did have the fat guy waiting in the normal line call me an asshole when I went in front of him through the premier line
  8. No doubt on the small size. The tide was out so lots of smaller fish that day. I've caught lots of 3 footers out here. Smaller are better to eat but the biguns are crazy fun to catch.
  9. Having some drinks and waiting for our catch to be cooked at Elvi's
  10. Health and customs was fast. Probably 30 mins. No one asked about the health insurance. Not a single question from immigration. Stamp stamp and customs just asked if we had been here before. The seaweed is bad. Headed out to fish today. My girl is digging the vibe here and showed me her appreciation on the balcony last night
  11. I went ahead and added to her to my family plan for $60. Yes you can add friends in a family plan with CLEARME. And it won't cost me a dime. My membership is $109 and hers is $60 and AMEX Plat reimburses $189 per year so free free.
  12. I am a hoping that since I booked and paid for her flight that they might give her pre but I do remember a few years ago everyone getting pissed off because there were a bunch of poors being randomly thrown into the pre line and jamming it up with a bunch of dumb asses who couldn't figure out the system.
  13. I've never been given anything ever for outbound from any country in the last 4 years sans Japan. CR definitely has some of the most relaxed in bound customs I've ever seen. It's definitely "we really don't care just come spend some money"
  14. That's definitely a big advantage of acquiring card pts.
  15. We ain't done yet. I assume as we add players of need we will start selling the player they are replacing
  16. Might be the future mrs. midtown but ill see what I can do on the trip. I've made it clear to her that I'm going with the CLEAR/PRE combo. I am nice enough that I told her I would take her computer and liquids through. She actually sent me this two weeks ago
  17. A lot of it depends on the airport. Austin, Dallas, Houston not only have more flyers but also more affluent and business business. SAT has a shit load of "well dang gum what's all them peoples doing over there in that pre thing..Myrtle did you pack my second pair of American flag shorts?"
  18. I mean they are completely unrelated so she will still have to do security with the poor but I did tell her last week to at least get CLEAR. She travels enough its worth it. Bypassing the ID check is the bulk of the problem anyway.
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