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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by midtown

  1. And Bale? Media/twitters says way more sales. Doherty. Royal. Regullion. Rodon. Bergwjin are all transfer candidates
  2. I think most people are missing the reason that Mbappe stays at PSG has more to do with him being able to play an extremely easy domestic schedule which probably adds years to his longevity.
  3. Almost had a pretty nice little disaster today. There is a park here in SA called McAllister park. It's got several very nice shaded easy to medium loops. Perfect for the wknd warrior or mom types or in my case a nice little hour ride to get in a workout without getting too technical. Because of that it brings out all kinds and today there were TONS of walkers on the trail. IMO the walkers are welcome on the traill but unlike the cement; riders have the right of way and most people step off the trail for bikes. Of course a ton of them wear headphones so you can "heads up" all day and they dont hear shit. Anyway thats not the main issue. I was dropping into a creek and at the same time and couple with a probably 40 lb dog had just gotten to the bottom on the other side. The see me coming and they split with one going left and the other right. The dog goes right with the guy so I assumed he was on a leash. NOPE! Right at the last min the dog goes the other direction. I took a quick jog away from him and missed him by inches. The woman screams at this point. "OMG" At that point I was just happy not to be on the ground with a very injured dog. I was tempted to give them a "leash your fucking dog you fucking idoits".
  4. My friend has two. He takes them to his ranch and just lets them go. Those dogs will run that 200 acre property for 5 hours straight. So I agree with the above that they have some serious energy. Also they are great with his young kids
  5. I will fully admit I was wrong. I am shocked that the Supreme Court had never ruled on the second amendment in history. Have they ever not heard a case that was 2nd amendment related in order to leave a ruling in place from a lower court? Is it possible or likely that there simply have not been many cases that even made it that far because the 2nd amendment is so accepted as fact?
  6. I don't follow constitutional law as much as I used to. I had no idea that legal firearm ownership started in 2008. How did I aquire a firearm in 1994?
  7. I bet the same percentage would also agree that even though we clearly need more regulation they also support the 2nd amendment and although some don't agree, the Supreme Court has upheld it for 100s of years.
  8. It's not their feelings. Its their support and votes that you want
  9. This is when the debate or any compromise breaks down and the middle of the road firearm owners say "well we better just keep letting the NRA protect our rights." As soon as someone says this I think you lose support from a very large percentage of Americans who do feel as if the 2nd amendment and the right to bear arms is constitutional.
  10. I think you can apply that to many parts and amendments to the constitution. There are lots of things that we use the constitution to keep or protect that did not exist in 1789. Freedom of speech has limits of course; and we've determined as a society that the right to bear arms does have limits like automatic weapons, bazookas, grenades, mortars etc. I don't think its a jump at all to include other firearms that are clearly very dangerous while still protecting the 2nd amendment. We seem to have three sets of people IMO. Those who think there should be pretty much zero public ownership of firearms vs those who don't think there shouldn't be any restrictions on firearms and last those like me and I expect the majority of Americans, including firearm owning Americans, who are in the middle and want stricter gun acquisition laws. I think and hope this middle ground group is making its voice heard.
  11. The only real reason is that they are fun to shoot. And a few people can say they are great way to kill hogs. My son and I have rented them and even debated buying one but seemed like a lot of money for something to use for target practice and to shoot hogs at my buddies ranch. But just to be clear. People and the media need to stop saying that automatic weapons are legal. They are not unless you have a federal license. I stated above that if they do want to keep them legal then at least put them in the same category as fully auto and add all the barriers to ownership.
  12. The fact that you have to go back over half a century to find an example proves my point
  13. Because it's going to be hard to get any compromise from the gun nuts. Let them have those. Let's focus on the semis.
  14. I think you can very easily exempt shotguns and bolt action rifles IMO. No one is committing mass murder with an over and under or .270. Just anything semi-auto
  15. Yup. Hitting Twitter pretty hard this AM
  16. I sent this email to my house rep Chip Roy. But he's about as right as they get.so I assume my email will be largely ignored. Chip. I am a responsible firearm owner. I own shotguns, rifles, and handguns. I have a CHL and I keep my guns locked. I am a firm believer in the 2nd amendment. But more than anything I am parent with a 15 and 12 yr old in public school. We as a country and a state have to makes changes. The NRA does not represent me you do. I want universal background checks. I want the age to buy a firearm increased to 21 or even 25. A 5 day waiting periods on handguns and assault type rifles does not take away anyone's rights nor does it keep them from protecting their property or family. If it saves one persons life its worth the time. Thank you
  17. midtown

    EPL 2021-22

    So in other words. Refs made incorrect calls for Arsenal and VAR had to correct their cheating biased ways. Such a stupid article
  18. Why is everyone harping on the background check? Correct me if I'm wrong but other than a person to person sale. Every firearm purchase at least in Texas has a background check right? What am I missing? Also can everyone please stop saying automatic weapons are legal. Other than having a fed license they are not legal. Im with you on this but I think the general days of privacy are pretty much gone. And what meds you take are a hack away from being made available to the public if they aren't already known. And I'm fine with getting rid of assault weapons or put them in the same category as full auto. You can get one but it's going require you really jump through some hoops. I'm also fine with a waiting period for some types of firearms.. I can't imagine anyone having to have a firearm within 5 days. It's not nor should it be an impulse buy.
  19. midtown


    Made it into Ikoyi for anyone who is interested. $360 for the tasting menu with wine pairing. Worth every penny. The service was fantastic.
  20. So all these people who get delayed 8-12 hours are they not aware that there are hotels near pretty much every airport?
  21. I take personal responsibility in helping the transfer cash. ENIC must have seen how much I spent on beers and merch at the stadium and decided to open the wallet
  22. My understanding is that is in addition to what we might net from sales
  23. Tottenham trust releasing 150m for transfers which means ENIC is adding his own money for the first time.
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