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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by midtown

  1. Looked on to me. I think we got a break there
  2. Dont discount inshore fishing. Esp if you want dinner. Roosters, snook. snapper grouper
  3. Work productivity to zero in 7 mins
  4. Oh I forgot. Immingration and customs were easy and fast. I was in first so zero line and right on through. I think he asked if I had anything to declare and done. Then bag onto scanner and out the door. Here is the weird part. Leaving you go through security in the main terminal and then again when you go to the international gates. But no exit passport control or immigration at all. I dont know how they know I left the country. Maybe the airlines give the government a passenger maniftest?
  5. Nope. I spent hours googling. I emailed a charter company way down south and asked if they knew anyone in the Costa area. I asked the hotel. I asked the waiter at one of the restaurants. Apparently per my bartender in El Tunco. Sport fishing is simply not a thing. And esp not during rainy season. Ill just save it for my next CR visit. I did find someone in the El Tunco area to take me out in a panga but I already had plans to do the waterfoll hike. I mentioned this to the guy sitting next to me flying who works for SWA in El Salvador and he mentioned that as far as he knows there arent any deep water ports or marinas to speak of. Maybe this is a business opportunity.
  6. Overall. I give it an 8. I honestly did not do enough planning so I missed some spots and the weather wasnt the best; rainy season should have been ending but hadnt and it was off season so things were relatively quiet. Also. El Salvador is not cheap by any means. Its not expensive but for a CA country its definitley not cheap. Driving is no issue. Roads are good except when you get off the main road then they turn into bombing ranges. Costa del Sol. I went here because I was told there might be some fishing guides. There were not. It was dead. They are buidling down there but its going to be a few years before its much of a tourist destination. Seems like its more of a place designed for Salvadorians to vaca. El Tunco area. Awesome. Nice hotel on the cliff. Fun hanging out down in the El Tunco beach street. My trip to the falls was cxld when we got to town and the tourism office closed the trail to the falls due to rain. Reason to go back. I took the scenic route along the coast from El Zonte/Tunco area up to the lake. Takes you through 5 tunnels. fun drive and way better than the highway through San Salvador. Once I made the turn to the lake off the main hwy the roads got more and more narrow and curvy. A tad intense tbh Lago de Coatepeque was awesome. Just surreal and stunning to be staying on a lake inside a volanco crater. Found a nice hotel behind a giant metal door. Typical CA type little town.Not a place for the cancun/cabo types. Dirt roads with pot holes the size of my rental, stray dogs etc. One night around 7 I got just a tad hungry and remembered there was a hot dog stand about 20 yards down the street. I go. order my dog and I turn around back to my hotel and there are two military dudes in camo holding automatic rifles at the ready standing in from of my hotel. No idea why or where they even came from. Hike up Santa Ana. This was not easy. And I workout 5 days a week. Lots of mtn bike riding but man 2100m and two hours of a pretty precarious trail. Everything hurt after that but the view of the crater was fantastic. I cut my trip short one day because I had planned a pool lake day and it started raining around noon and wasnt going to stop so no reason to just sit in a hotel room. Pics in order. View from balcony at Tesoro Beach Hotel in Costa del Sol View from hotel bar/restaurant in El Tunco area Hotel poolside patio on the lake. Coffee on the lake. Hot dog gathered under military guard. Lobster at Betos on the way out of town. Whole fish on the lake. Guide at the start. Crater view with clouds. It was worse 10 mins earlier. But our guide who has hike the crater 700 times said. Wait 15 mins and bam. Completely clear. Last one was the view from Betos where I ate the lobster.
  7. Arrived at IAH yesterday. Did the app on the walk from the gate to immigration hall. Line was stacked probably 15 deep at GE. but they had a completey different line for the app people. Just held up my green number and waived through
  8. Day 4. Ill put up a longer post when my trip is done. Some ups and downs but overall this country is fucking great
  9. Who had 3 goals at the 8th min?
  10. I'm watching from El Salvador
  11. Jesus. Barely got the TV on and WTF?
  12. I quit watching. This team sucks
  13. @kingkoopa6 Can we get some color on these seats? I've sat in the club seats but they didnt have the tables and I think they were just under these seats Also COYS. We need this win to change our form
  14. this is like cooking a steak on a grill vs in the microwave
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