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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by midtown

  1. Dixon should be banned from doing color on our matches. Terrible Romero bringing the pain
  2. Going to be tough to get all 3 pts but I have faith COYS!!
  3. I just hope we play hard for all four quarters and until there is a winner or a loser. Or a tie.
  4. Am I the only one having a hard time adjusting to this heat and humidity? Both Wed and today went out and after 30 mins I am just beat and feeling a little woozy. Good food intake, lots of water. I've been riding in San Antonio summers for a decade now and I really don't remember the heat affecting me like this. Getting old sucks.
  5. Away is horrendous. Looks like a wetsuit
  6. This surprises no one who actually paid attention to their kids for that time period
  7. Wembly = Cotton Bowl Spurs = Jerry World on steroids and Dom
  8. How many billions more does Pep need now?
  9. Twitter is going to feast on pep if this holds up. I'm excited
  10. Tottenham have a 10 year contract to host NFL games. I doubt they would have built the convertible stadium without some type of guarantee it would be used and to help pay for the massive cost. It's also part of their agreement in North London to host major events like boxing, concerts etc to help the area on non-Spurs wknds. I doubt very highly many other cities or clubs could possibly get an ROI on an NFL convertible stadium. I'll be throwing up some pictures next weekend
  11. yeah definitely way out of line from what I'm used to eating but then again I only go to San Pedro. Now that I think of it I pay $300 to catch 3-4 days worth of fish so that probably equals about $30 a meal anyway
  12. I'm with cooter on this. I can't imagine paying $30 let alone $50 for a meal in Belize. Unless there is some 5 star resort in Palencia that is flying in caviar and wagyu beef. Sure hope huge isn't paying that for some fish tacos, beans, and flapjacks.
  13. Is anyone actually able to focus on anything @Grimas posts? because i sure as hell can't. I know in Belize I met the owner of the hotel and said they'd just let me stay there for a few days. Now with the in hotel testing kits I'd probably just ring the front and ask for a room for 3 more days and order some room service while I tested myself until I was negative. I'd avoid any type of clinic testing as I'd be afraid to be hauled off to some sanitarium in the last few years but now it seems like you could just self quarantine. I'm leaving for UK next week and I'm packing a few masks. I guess I'd put on a mask or two and go get some supplies and not talk to anyone and just hunker down.
  14. I don't. Like I've said before; an airplane is a special place. Anywhere else you have the ability to remove yourself from the chaos. On a plane you are by in large stuck sometimes for hours in bad situation in a small cramped place. 99% of the flying public has figured out how to behave; if you can't then flying just isn't right for you. There are simply way too many people that see airlines and flying as a public utility. It is not and the quicker and bigger examples we make of jackassery the sooner this shit will decline. Then the rest of us can go back to sucking down our drinks and watching our movies in peace. And as far as that phobic kick off. The only thing I'm shocked at is that it didn't even start with a mask issue. Thank god that's at least taken out of the equation right now.
  15. Do they smell like Gwenth Paltrows vagina? Btw talk about perfect timing. I should be getting my car delivered this week and the dealer will let me put $5k on my credit card. Pretty easy to earn my United Infinite bonus right off the bat.
  16. Clearly would rather have top 4 than the boot. But would be a great accomplishment for one of our best players. Just pointing out that it seems to be a foregone conclusion that Salah is going to win it (odds are that he will) but Sonny only 3 behind
  17. btw. the AX Walmart/Exxon gas .10 reduction works like a charm. By my math it would save me $10-15 a month in fuel costs so a little over $120 a year and I dont really drive a ton working from home 3x per week
  18. This. You can add the Citi premier. AX and Citi offer a hotel credit as well. I find Citi and Chase give you the most bang for your buck on hotels through their portals. Otherwise i'd suggest using hotels.com so you are getting "points" for your hotel stays.
  19. midtown

    EPL 2021-22

    How long has it been since first, fourth and relegation are all this hotly contested?
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