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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by midtown

  1. My understanding of the gulf side. It's very backpack get lost hippy no job kind of place. Lots of drugs and crime. But you can say that about a lot of places though. Also the infrastructure is pretty bad. I heard of a friend of a friend and their family got stuck because a bunch of bridges/road etc got washed out. That type of stuff. You might consider one of the central valley towns like Atenas/San Ramon to just chill and enjoy the local area, people, food, and weather. Its on the way down from SJO. Pretty sure there are some pictures of my night in Atenas while looking at houses.
  2. For longest time I would have laughed at this comment with the assumption that there was some rational behind the masks on planes and I held the belief that if you dont like the mask mandates then don't fly but now even us pro maskers have had it and I agree now that its ego.
  3. I can't understand it. There is zero science behind it and no support for it from anyone. Not passengers, not the airlines, and every FA I've talked to about it is also done with it. If you are afraid of a mask less plane then drive or zoom your meeting. It's just adding to people mistrusting the CDC. It will take decades for them to regain any credibility.
  4. Thats what everyone said about the last extension
  5. Welp. Mask mandate will be extended again. 15 more days to May 3. It's time to just accept that the CDC and the administration is completely brain dead and has every intention of making this permanent for complete theater.
  6. MTA to launch new initiative. If you are shot on the subway free rides for life
  7. You're not serious are you? There are over 400 stations
  8. So constantly broke and corrupt MTA didn't have working cameras? Shocked. Shocked I tell you.
  9. So was it in the station or on the train because that guy comes limping out of the train
  10. Looks like Fabio Paratici is fucked. Prosecutors in Italy asking for a 18 month ban for transfers done while at Juventus. Can we get some insight on how to bribe UEFA officials from City?
  11. Just win baby. I hope we can somehow lock up 4th before the Burnley match for stress purposes but damn if we can do it by beating Burnley while I'm at the match that would be an insane atmosphere
  12. Goes without saying that the $$ that will come with top 4 should allow us one hell of a summer transfer window
  13. Imagine where we could be if Levy hadnt fucked around with nes?
  14. Thank god we have a manager where we don't even have to wonder about this How the fuck is this not called?
  15. It depends on the backpack. I carryon either a full 40L pack or a 35L. They do not fit under the seat. I've had people come late when there is no overhead space and ask me to put my backpack under my seat. I just laugh at them while explaining its a full carryon. But if its a personal backpack Ill only put it in the storage bin after everyone is on and only if there is space etc.
  16. I've gone to and from with gummies with zero issues to both CR and Belize. I can't imagine them giving you any problems for a few. I'd be shocked if CR dogs are trained for gummies. Just don't bring anything that would make them open your bag like food or the likes
  17. Never been through Liberia. Agreed SJO is all about getting you in country and spending your $USD. My buddy who met me last time did say he saw dogs but I've never seen them at SJO and I have no idea what they are actually looking for. Not trying to be a jerk but whitewater rafting and fishing are probably some of the best in the entire world in CR and you're skipping both. Btw fishing doesn't have to be all day deep sea. There are inshore fishing options at Im sure hook can point out better than me.
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