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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by midtown

  1. This is my impression based on social media. Pretty much the "I'm a world traveler because I've been to Mexico crowd"
  2. Another winner from SWA https://twitter.com/OffCyndisc/status/1506704624090329093?ref_src=twsrc^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1506704624090329093|twgr^|twcon^s1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fviewfromthewing.com%2Ftuesdays-attack-on-southwest-airlines-gate-agent-was-so-bad-even-passengers-grandmother-is-appalled%2F
  3. I've been saying this for well over 10 years. He's also one of the nicest people you will ever meet
  4. I found a way for him to stay a bit longer https://nypost.com/2022/03/24/man-stuck-in-costa-rica-after-flesh-eating-bug-infected-genitals/?utm_medium=SocialFlow&utm_campaign=SocialFlow&utm_source=NYPTwitter
  5. Austin going from being Dallas to Florida one passenger at a time.
  6. From a birdseye view looks to be the bypass line. I'm going to need some plyers and set of thirty-weight ballbearings..
  7. FYI in case anyone cares. Talked to a ticket person at the club. They did have some single tickets for the "broadcast booth" at 399. I am getting some pictures emailed to me that I will post if anyone cares to see. I'd be sharing the "booth" with some others which might be fun. Also access to booze the whole time vs only intermission etc. Not that I can't go 1.5 hours without a beer. I guess I'd rather sit in the stands with the fans than a booth especially at that price. I would have preferred something more center but will be unreal to be anywhere in the stadium. He said there could be more resale tickets on the site as the match draws closer but I'd imagine the last match of the year is going to be completely sold out.
  8. Yeah. I'm discovering this now. I reached out the club to see if they have anything for international visitor/members. They do show some premium level fine dining seats at 500 pounds. Ill probably just get something in the south stand. There is some availability on Stubhub international but I have no idea how legit they are and I dont want to find out Ive got a bad ticket an hour before kick and have to scramble. I could also buy something in the 21.00 range just to have a seat and then spend $150 on a stubhub
  9. midtown

    EPL 2021-22

    Anyone use stubhub for secondary PL tickets? Or any other secondary?
  10. Meh. Doesn't bother me. I'll wait and see if I can pay a few bucks to upgrade. For me it doubles or triples the amount of free travel I can do
  11. Just spent 60k RT from SA to Edinburgh and back in 6 weeks. Being a manlet has one advantage and that the ability to fly coach.
  12. midtown

    EPL 2021-22

    They have a playoff in the championship so why not the PL? Champions league qualifying is only really an issue for the PL. 3rd and 4th in other domestic leagues aren't usually going to do much in the CL. They should just have top 6 from the PL.
  13. I posted about the Hilton Amex and getting a trip to NYC for $290.
  14. I just decided to go to the last match of the season at the stadium v Burnley. Anyone want to join me? May 15
  15. I follow the travel industry pretty well and not even a hint that they will drop this from what I've seem. Brian Kelly has been hammering them publicly for a while now about illogical it is.
  16. We absolutely need to change the federal law that states any threat to anyone in an enclosed public transportation setting will result in arrest. You lose your ability to walk away or flee a threat when you are on a plane.
  17. @ernest_t_bass I gave you the finger out of jealousy. Enjoy
  18. I like this. Never been. Ill have 3-4 days before needing to head to London. Is that enough time? Can I just base out of Edinburgh and do day trips etc?
  19. Bump. I got an itch to go to London for a soccer match in Mid may. 6 days. Looking for a place to go before hand. Match is on Sunday May 15. Would leave the 16th. Was thinking of Amsterdam again because I didn't have much time there a few years ago and missed the Rijksmuseum last time but not really sure about how easy it is to move from the Netherlands through Belgium on a train with covid etc even though they are loosening pretty quick. Maybe I just see more of the UK? Any suggestions? I went to Ireland probably 10 years ago. Maybe do that again?
  20. That's because strava thinks you are on a road bike. 1 hr ride at 4mph on a road bike is almost standing still and implies pretty much zero effort. I have strava linked to myfitnesspal and I have to go in and change it from road to mtn/bmx and my calories triple
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