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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by midtown

  1. I didn't know she was sandbagging races. Seemed odd
  2. Btw. In case anyone is wondering she finished tied for 5th in the 200. UTs Kelly Pash finishes 3rd
  3. In one event as of now not in all of whatever you decide to be aka womans swimming. I do agree she is playing by the rules that the NCAA put forth. They really are to blame in al this but also I think she isn't wining a lot of fans by insisting on using the womens locker room with her cock out. Pretty freaking selfish from my viewpoint
  4. I assume the Stanford swimmer was fourth and borrowed a third place trophy for the picture. If so that says everything you need to know about how I assume most female athletes feels about this.
  5. I do believe there is a title IX lawsuit in the works on this
  6. It's Penn. There are no atlletic scholarships
  7. This. If I'm the parents or school of those robbed of their rightful place I'm claiming what should have been. This is not a case of everyone gets a trophy. But if I'm 4th then me and my family and my school are claiming 3rd and I'm having a medal made
  8. Well there is an opening for a male player in the WNBA since the other one is in jail in Russia
  9. I think thats pretty well known by everyone. Where are the womens rights groups on this one?
  10. You don't go from being an average male athlete to one of the top female athletes without a massive physical advantage. Let her compete but its insane that she should take a place away from a female athlete. Award two firsts if you have to.
  11. This is a huge loss. Let's hope they have insurance
  12. I have to have a pack. Like the poster above I am usually dirking water within 10-15 mins of riding even on a cool day. Might be gross but mine is pretty much stays full. I try to ride my mtn bike 2x a week so I just end up dumping a cup full of ice in it when I go out. Also the advantage of having my spare tube and tools. Also I keep my phone in it for strava
  13. I have an excellent accountant in SA that works with most of my investment clients. Even those in Dallas and Houston etc. @Dbeasy
  14. Damn. Took my kids to dinner there about 4 years ago. Glad we left when we did. We are lucky to be alive
  15. Should be some solid memes out of the soccer world on that
  16. If its in the goal it counts. Dont care what it looks like
  17. Well crap. Was hoping to get some of his stuff
  18. this is what came on my bike. I've been riding them with no issues but Im kind of a newb to mtn bikes. I have some Maxxis to put on soon
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