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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by midtown

  1. Just back after 9ish days. Osaka, Kyoto, and Tokyo. Won't rehash. 3rd time visiting. Will not be my last 10/10
  2. You can always tell who the CR rookies are when they leave their shit on the treeline and head out to the water
  3. My sister has lived in st Pete for a year. Was just there a few weeks ago and plan on movimg there in a few years. Lots of fun spots. Hawkers Asian Green Bench Brewing And something sisters Brewing Brick and Mortar I liked all those
  4. Moving into the old A frame Whataburger left abandoned like 8 years ago. I drive by coming home from work and my daughters school pretty much daily
  5. Throw some thoughts and prayers up for the people of Belize. Looks like they might dodge the really bad stuff but all the Belize people/bars I follow on social media are shutting it down for a few days
  6. I have no idea what this is but it looks pretty tempting. My hotel just emailed this to me. SHould I do it?
  7. So in a crazy turn of events my son has decided he is not going to Japan. Typical 17 yr old decided last min that missing 8 days of work was too much and some people just dont enjoy being away from home for that long. Shouldnt make a huge difference in what I do but now will have a slightly more adult slant. Deos anyone know what those indoor float shows where the actors are dressed really cartoonish? Lots of lights and confetti, ,etc Its hard to describe. I screenshoted these from a YouTube video
  8. I was just wondering what happened to Rodon
  9. The low yen is so perfect for my trip in 10 days
  10. I'm in CA for a soccer tournament out in Norco but we went down to Hunnington Beach in between games. Fun place to eat and drink. Beach was packed last week because its hot AF in Southern CA right now. We're staying an extra day and headed down to Newport which I enjoy as well and its super close to SNA. That's all I got. Oh we ate at G's boathouse which was kind of fun. Oh and this house a block from PCH is $3mil
  11. Tale from the trail...TLDR got a spider bite on Wed when my right wrist brushed into a tall weed/bush on a trail Ive ridden hundreds of times. 30 hours later I'm in CA at an urgent clinic at 10pm getting antibiotic shot in the saddle to battle the likely MRSA infection and a 7 day supply of clindamycin. If you want to keep reading. Coming down a drop. Hit the bush and felt a really painful sting on my wrist/forearm. I wear long sleeves year round. Pulled over to see if ti was a bee stuck in my shirt. Noticed two small marks. Figured they were thorns. Pain subsided. Finsihed my ride. Went home and washed and disinfected. Thurs flygin to CA with my daughter for a showcase in LA area. Wrist is now swollen, hot and really red. Been around long enough to know this is more than thorns or bee sting. ONe of the soccer moms is a nurse. Had her come take a look at and shes like oh man you should go to the urgent like now. First one was closed so I almost went home but she texted me another place because she really wanted me to get meds. After an hour Dr. walks in and is like oh boy you need antibiotics now. He said if I had waited another day or two I'd most likely end up in the hospital battling a massive infection. This morning. HEat is gone. Redness is not going past the pen marks the doc made. Unfortunately I can not shoot webs from my wrist yet.
  12. Ironically I had a credit in Yen for like 6 years on uber because I couldnt find my Uber in the Roppongi chaos I remember the language barrier but didn't seem to have a huge problem with it
  13. We just redid our kids at the post office in SA. Paid a bunch of fees had had all of our documents being divorced it seemed like we had to have extra shit but maybe not. Paid for express since both are going international this summer (UK and Japan) Had them in 3 weeks. Since my son was within a few months of turning 18 they gave him a 10 year. Updated both of their GE accounts.,
  14. I booked this. Anyone want to throw out a good first night dinner in Osaka? We are staying near the Osaka Castle
  15. Scooter riders are the biggest squids on the road. Scooters easily do 50+ and more yet I see scooter riders wearing almost nothing. A crash at 50 is going to hurt just as bad on a scooter vs a Ninja 6R
  16. Whats that an electric or hybrid scooter? Update on new rider journey. My skill and confidence is growing by the day. Doing rides that Id be scard to do a few weeks ago. Im all over the city now. Been on some access/frontage roads but not quite ready to get on the highway and do highway speeds yet. Also have not ridden at night but thats going to end soon as I plan on going to a local meet up that require night riding but I can mostly avoid highway. Or are highways safer?
  17. Do you mean the part where 6 Americans died the week after I did the same route they did? If so then yeah. If your outifitter says we cant go you should listen to them Sorry it was only 4 https://www.cnn.com/2018/10/22/americas/costa-rica-raft-deaths/index.html
  18. Not sure if this is a recent thing but to recap my experience getting into the Burnley match in May. I logged on within 2 hours of the One Hotspur+ window and zero tickets available. Luckily I was able to get two through the ticket exhange but there werent many and that match never hit the public window. It was the last home match but hardly any tickets for a relagated team.
  19. The queue is open again. There are tons and tons of seats available as of now so I wouldnt be shocked if eventually you can get tickets through the public window. I've actually called the ticket office on more than one occasion and they are quite helpful so you might give them a call. The club is usually very helpful with fans traveling from the US
  20. I'm a member. The problem is that you can only buy a ticket per member during the member window. I just logged on to the ticketing site and the ticket queue is paused. It should drop to the public at some point. Hard to imagine a sell out for a friendly but it is Bayern and Harry. Also I was told that they do spot checks to make sure the member is actually using the ticket. I call complete bullshit on that. No way are they holding people up when they are trying to get 60k people into the stadium @Brisketexan
  21. Ndombele is one of the biggest examples in football of tremendous talent that doesnt want to work hard
  22. Damn. No one told me how freaking addictive this hobby is. I already want another bike and more gear. Really like the Royal Enfields and some of the Triumphs.
  23. Home bleh Away Ok Third Ok
  24. Let him cook..maybe thats our 24/25 tag line
  25. Ill call and ask but everything is pretty specific that you can only apply if you are 18
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