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Certifiably Surly
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  1. Ohio st has ran their mouth all fucking night. Bullshit
  2. Wingo’s jersey pulled off in the first wasn’t PI though
  3. Why can’t our o just act like it’s 2 min all the time?
  4. I thought you couldn’t pull an offensive player
  5. Has there been a penalty outside of the delay on ASU?
  6. I guess sark is going to have to call out the refs for the no call holds. This is bull shit.
  7. This is correct. A good portion of the city does not fall into the school district. We also have far more elementary kids than high schoolers. It is a town that attracts young families.
  8. The no holding calls needs to be addressed by the athletic dept. this is going to end up costing us the game.
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