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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Big_kat

  1. My Great Uncle, Eddie Meador played for the LA Rams from 59 to 70. He is on the 60s all decade team. 2 time first team all pro and 6 time pro bowler. A few years back I got to meet Merlin Olsen, Deacon Jones, and Rosie Grier with him at a Rams Alumni game. This year we got to go to the Rams vs Packers game and stay in the Rams sweet in the back of the end zone at the Colosseum.
  2. Shane was throwing on the sideline durring that series. He has his helmet.
  3. Will be screaming my nuts off with my 4 yes old at his first game from section 19. Hopefully we get a game winning score from LJH in that corner!
  4. I have been doing wings with a vortex on the Webber lately. They come out fantastic in whatever sauce or rub you choose. http://youtu.be/CE8nbfRC4KM
  5. I know that it is a long shot to begin with, but why in the hell are all the media pundits pinning the Big 12 hopes for a playoff birth on blow u. I guess I must have dreamed us beat that sooner ass for 50 min of our game. I am not saying that we are ready for that kind of game, we aren't at all. But it seems as though everyone sees us as lucky to have won that and ou will surely beat us if rematched in the championship game.
  6. Took me a second, knew he had to be in there. Pure gold Jerry
  7. Fuck fuck fuck blow u They suck big harry balls all day Fuck fuck fuck blow u
  8. Are we the only team that gets called for holds?
  9. Big_kat


    ou sux And it's goodbye to all the rest
  10. From the heart of yuppyvile, Frisco TX TEXAS
  11. Was that leon that just got rolled over?
  12. From Celina TEXAS
  13. TCU 42 Texas 21 I hate myself
  14. The issue with firing a coach after two years right after firing a coach that got 3 years is the precedent it sets when trying to find the next coach. What coach will want to put their reputation on the line knowing you only have 2 years to get a program righted that has been down for a decade? The university has to show faith in the coach, which requires 3 years. Now all of this goes out the window if the team shits the bed and starts off 1-5 and ends up 4-8.
  15. Think you sir, may I have another!
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