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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Big_kat

  1. Holy shit….. those teeth. Must be related to Mack.
  2. Wa just in Red River for a ski trip over spring break. I was amazed at how many aggies were there. And you could always spot them with multiple articles of clothing that told you they were proud SEC SEC SEC members. I love UT but only wear burnt orange a couple times a month outside of football season. These mouth breathers only wear maroon.
  3. “Huh, would be a 3 star with a different last name”— aggy, probably.
  4. Big_kat

    F cancer.

    We have come such a long way in a very short amount of time when it comes to treatment. Best thing all of your family can do is stay positive have the mindset that it’s time to fuck cancer up. I will keep y’all in my thoughts and prayers.
  5. THANK YOU!!!!!! Trying not to float away in North Dallas FIGHT!!!
  6. Walter Nolan seems like a pussy.
  7. I guess sark learned from kiffin to go away from what is working and try to get cute with play calling.
  8. Such a bull shit rule. If you don’t want to get hit don’t fucking run
  9. From Celina taking a pre-workout shit, then will definitely skip the workout. FIGHT
  10. Stomping out some ignorance north of Dallas! TEXAS
  11. Holy fuck
  12. For an offensive genius, sark goes full retard sometimes
  13. If I cared about baseball I would watch the ducking game.
  14. For those that missed the opening kick off, K Rob damn near slipped on a tortilla right after catching the kick. That is bull shit.
  15. In all honesty we will probably wind up in Grape Creek on their acreage. That is if it is not complete desert by then. Wells are going dry quick these days.
  16. My wife is from San Angelo and my aggy father-in-law teaches psychology at Angelo State. I don't mind the area. Could never live there but it has the best deer hunting in the state.
  17. Angelo State is part of the Tech system.
  18. Is taking an early morning shit considered a workout? TEXAS
  19. From my office crushing the dreams and souls of America's youth TEXAS
  20. Rest him and see if he can go against WV as a tune up game for blow u would be just about perfect in my non medically educated opinion. Wright can start for the road runners and get Card back to handle Tech.
  21. I think you mean Teddy Bridgewater.
  22. This is a 6-6 team. And that is with a couple cupcake teams thrown in their.
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