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Everything posted by Turkleton

  1. Her avatar is Sid. She posted a pic in another thread where she claimed it was her, but I’m calling BS. A course, all the socialist were infatuated believing it to be true.
  2. Pretty sure that was not her in that pic. She just wants the attention.
  3. I hope so. Let's make a run for that Tennessee coach. His team seems to be doing pretty good.
  4. Just sell your product. Don't give your moral compass on the way the world should be. FFS, you lefties are endless.....
  5. Leone was not a fan of editing his films. They were good, but would drag...
  6. Surely this didn't surprise you! Hollywood despises all things on the right no matter if true or not.
  7. The Spy Who Loved Me. Just because of Anya.
  8. Who has a hot daughter. Just saying......
  9. Please, please, please and please make this happen.
  10. We get it, you like to suck Chomsky's choda. Move on.....
  11. we've both seen our share of pornographic materials. Oh, you never have? Of course you haven't, how stupid of me. Neither have I. I was just speaking in generalities. Right. I'll stop by the school a little later, Sister Margaret
  12. and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth
  13. Si. I'm looking forward to some t&a.
  14. The Neeson segment is depressing as hell, but yeah, it's good.
  15. This..... I bailed at the same time. I was a big fan of this show, but it just became too much of a beating with her endless storyline.
  16. What I'm getting out of this thread is republicans need to be more like democrats and socialism is a good thing. This about right? Oh, and boomers are brain-dead.
  17. Something tells me white privilege will be brought up. Just a hunch.
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