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Everything posted by Turkleton

  1. I tell you what is scary. This is not hyperbole for most of them. These half-wits really believe this shit.
  2. My daughter is very good friends with his daughter. Both aggy. Wooderson lived a hard life.
  3. Who is this Alexa chick and how come there are no pics?
  4. So four judges ruled against the constitution? The President has always had this ability. Ask Jimmy Carter.
  5. I thought that nightmare wouldn't end. Credits, and then more shit just kept coming.
  6. This is greatness. Please keep it up lefties.
  7. This is priceless. This just assures me that there will be no blue wave in November. Please keep this shit up!
  8. The one close to my house in NE Tarrant shut down after 10months. Why? Because this was put in across the street. Demasiadas casas de pollo.
  9. I love the smirk Nix gives Winter after he makes Sobel salute him. Vindication.
  10. Sometimes I wonder how you people ever exist in the real world. Six grade vitriol is so amusing from you lefties.
  11. This was it for me. When it happened, I turned to my wife and said "well shit, Barry has to die now". Can't see it going more than two seasons.
  12. How old are you? I ask because you seem extremely naive.
  13. Season 2 of Goliath starts June 12
  14. Spoken like a true lefty. Nothing more scary.
  15. Double digits, baby!!
  16. I'm just catching up here so I really don't know, but what race were the employees? Were they all white?
  17. It's been awhile since I pulled this up.
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