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Everything posted by Turkleton

  1. They always see racism where there isn't any. I'm not sure they believe their lies or they are just truly that ignorant.
  2. LOL. You lefties are special.
  3. He's a lefty. They do what they do....
  4. Yes, she is a POS, but she will win the DN. Bank it....
  5. Busing was a complete failure all around and costly. She knows that, but a good move to use it against Biden. I really don't see anyone beating her at this point. Question is who will be her mate?
  6. Really enjoyed the 1st season. 2nd just as good?
  7. LOL..Dude, you really need to go find your safe place.
  8. Race baiter defending a race baiter. Shocked I am.... Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  9. Landslide 2020
  10. No reason to have borders, right?
  11. Seems like with have this thread about every two years or so. Really not sure anything gets solved.
  12. Who are the bad guys?
  13. And there is no crisis, right? Living in fucking lala land.......
  14. What a fucking clown. Please get the nomination.
  15. Ouch, that really hurt.
  16. This fucking idiotic tweet by the clueless socialist is why he would get smoked by Trump in the head-to-head. And a course, your response is typical of one who sees rainbows and unicorns.
  17. Why are you not here? https://www.cpusa.org/
  18. I'm so proud for you.
  19. What a fag!! Wait, can I not say that?
  20. Shocking!!
  21. Being Surly, Mea culpa....
  22. Please tell me you are a chick?? I can understand Bama Chick loving it, but good God.... Look, if you were a chick raised by a dysfunctional family, I think i get it, but it was a beating for me just to get past the first episode and I found no laughs.
  23. This makes me very depressed, because I have not argument.
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