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Everything posted by Turkleton

  1. W was worthless, in so many ways....
  2. I'm about 99.99% opposed to WTB's view of the world, but he is 100% dead-nuts on this post.
  3. LOL!! This is priceless, Hugo.
  4. LOL. I'm sure most of the Marxist on this CR will up vote you, but you really are the biggest race-baiter on here and that is quiet an accomplishment since that is the forefront of leftism. If you can't be a victim, you ain't doing it right....
  5. Season, duh!!
  6. Once this started, the wife turned to me and said "I'm done with this show". I understood, but i'm in it for the long haul....
  7. Always, Pancho. Keep up the good fight with your crusade. LOL
  8. If you are that naive and actually believe this idiotic party line, than sure, go with it, amigo.
  9. Just another lefty zombie. If the GOP doesn't highlight this shit, then they deserve to lose. Freedom Health care: "Medicare for All Who Want It” as a pathway to Medicare for All Racial equality: Create a commission to propose reparations policies for Black Americans and close the racial wealth gap LGBTQ rights: Pass the Equality Act; reverse the ban on transgender military service; enforce the nondiscrimination provisions of the Affordable Care Act and key federal civil rights laws Security Climate change: Implement a Green New Deal with all available tools including a carbon tax-and-dividend for Americans, and major direct investment to build a 100% clean energy society Gun control: Raise the standard of gun protection and ownership to make all Americans safer Extremism: Increase federal resources for countering domestic terrorism and white supremacist violence Democracy Gerrymandering: Establish independent, statewide redistricting commissions Electoral college: A national popular vote to replace the Electoral College Political representation: True political representation for the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico https://www.axios.com/pete-buttigieg-2020-policy-proposals-90d48307-12bc-4bb1-873e-c6a6c670deac.html
  10. Along with Strother Martin and Dub Taylor.
  11. I thought the same. Typical for this season.
  12. Count the "Fucks" in this. You will miss one or two.
  13. Seems odd. I live in far north Conroe. I think we only got around 2"
  14. It wasn't. I left in the 7th knowing what was coming. Could not go over 20mph on 59.
  15. More whores less talk....
  16. Turkleton

    RIP J. Geils

    I'm taking crazy pills...
  17. Can't agree more. Used to love his scenes. Now, for me, they have become a beating. Bringing the Uncle on would help.
  18. I grew up with late night tv with the Carson days. It was very good way to end a long day with some good entertainment. Now, I can pretty much get on Media Matters, or daily kos, and skip late night altogether. It's all the same now.
  19. I'm late to the game on this show. Just now seeing it for the 1st time and just started the 2nd season. The only thing I would have suggested to enhance the show would be to incorporate the word "FUCK" more. They don't seem to use that enough. Really enjoying, though.
  20. This, among other idiotic ideas, is why the right is not worried about 2020. Keep fucking that chicken.....
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