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Everything posted by Turkleton

  1. She needs to do as many of these as possible. Free campaigning for the right.
  2. Adam "FUCKING" Schiff says hi!
  3. Which one is Bruce? Hard to tell.
  4. Tarantino's movies have been dogshit over the last ten years or so. Let's hope there is something here....
  5. Poor Hugo...😪
  6. Oh look, a lefty pointing out his moral compass. Like the left has a moral value of truth. LOL
  7. Great! I just finished up SE4. Damn good show.
  8. From a very far-left news outlet- https://splinternews.com/this-is-all-so-ridiculous-1833317729
  9. Serious question, Roma. How old are you? I really don't mean anything political about it, just curious.
  10. And people on here love her. It really is sad what the CR has become from the shaggy days.
  11. A course, let's not be obtuse. At 16, Santa Clause still comes in to play. You, as a good commie sill hold him on a high pedestal.
  12. You understand why the lefties want this, right?
  13. Oh, look everyone! Another race-baiter poking the fire. So original....
  14. No it's not, and you know it. But you will project, as well as the rest of your ilk, to push the narrative.
  15. Loved Soap. I thought she was great in everything she was in. Not sure when she contacted Alzheimer's, but 89 is a full life. RIP
  16. He's a conservative. Come on Onboard, get onboard. 😀
  17. The last two Texas Hwy patrolmen they killed were at Dove rd and hwy 114. Enough was enough so ambush here we come.....
  18. Does anyone have a total count on who is all in? Damn hard to keep up.
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