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Everything posted by TedStriker

  1. So the supposed 30 minute interval sounds.. taps on the hull or whatever... Surely they would know whether they are coming from a surface vessel or one stuck 2 miles underwater even if they couldn't triangulate the actual position?? The titan had multiple ways to rise to the surface given a power failure. Are they truly stuck inside the actual ship without the ability to rise? or are rescue crews thinking theyre bobbing like a damn cork on the surface? I'll hang up and listen....
  2. The fact that this thing was controlled and driven with a bluetooth controller... just amazing. Hell, my bluetooth speaker disconnects all the damn time... and it takes a few reboots to get it working. The borderline arrogance of the CEO guy and his dismissive attitude of safety precautions.. Red flags everywhere
  3. looks like this photo could be a bar on Rainey st 2022.
  4. whoa! Had not heard the cancer thing... i was thinking possibly he was angry at not being hired or something. Wondering why she was singled out, since he apparently let the others leave..
  5. Read on twitter last night that the shooter interviewed for a job at the medical office the day before yesterday.
  6. Has this guy every explained what he did from 2pm when he got home until 6pm when he picked up the older child from school? He's very detailed about the morning routine, but doesn't go into the most important part of the day.. not to mention, neighbors heard arguing from the apartment that afternoon...
  7. Longhorn fans wants to complain about media bias? Lulz. Preseason top 25 two years in a row. LSU blows out #8 and you’re complaining about the jump? Jeezus son.
  8. my old hood. curious about this since it isn't exactly a high crime area
  9. https://www.facebook.com/cassidyschap/posts/2250885541592868 Starts out very cringeworthy and quickly escalates to disgusting and violent. Apparently word has gotten to his employer this morning, and he was walked out. https://www.facebook.com/cassidyschap/posts/2250885541592868
  10. Punitive damages! Sue everybody
  11. this is my issue.. the DQ's i've been in for the most part have been dirty, nasty shitholes. the one in my hometown was disgusting.. so when i see DQ, i immediately think-nasty.
  12. Just saw U2 in tulsa for the kickoff of their 2018 tour. TULSA? Great chance to see them in a smaller'ish venue -capacity 20k.
  13. Will be interesting since I lean Dem, but voted in the R primary since there was virtually no reason to vote in the Dem primary. Beto will get my vote in the general.
  14. u2 nov 2001. FEC.
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