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Irwin F Fletcher

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Everything posted by Irwin F Fletcher

  1. From a flight earlier this week. Not sure what his Surly handle is. Stewardess had to ask him multiple times to put his mask on, his young kid in the window seat was embarrassed by his conduct, though was imitating his dad when it came to mask wearing on our 3 hr flight. Worst part, started dipping about 2 hrs in.
  2. Posters like Bravo degrade this site. It's great to have an opposing opinion, it's fine if you can't articulate a coherent argument. What gets old, and anti productive to discussion is flat out trolling. This is Bravo.
  3. Good fucking lord, you are the worst troll on this board.
  4. "Holy shit it's Viper!" I'm 7 hours behind, I'm going to be very disappointed if I'm the first one.
  5. It can't be said enough. The fucking stupidest people among us worship this class A moron.
  6. So under who's "watch" is Ukraine not getting leveled? Enlighten us, or at least make it entertaining.
  7. What's left in the wreath fund? It'd be cool if Surly owned a Premiere League club.
  8. Just saying, surely Zelenskyy has some contacts he can reach out to.
  9. I'm always amazed of the amount of shit I forgot Trump did or tried to pull while in office. "The Trump administration broke the law by withholding congressionally approved military aid to Ukraine last summer "for a policy reason," a top government watchdog said Thursday in a scathing report. The Government Accountability Office's report came a day after the House of Representatives sent articles of its impeachment of President Donald Trump to the Senate for conduct related to holding back that aid. Trump refused to release the funds to Ukraine at the same time he was pressuring that country's new president to announce investigations of former Vice President Joe Biden and of Biden's son Hunter, who had served on the board of a Ukraine gas company. Joe Biden is the current front-runner for the Democratic presidential nomination. The funds were only released after the block on the aid became publicly known, sparking the congressional probe which led to the Republican president's impeachment by the Democratic-controlled House. The GAO report said that the Office of Management and Budget cited "a policy reason" for withholding $214 million in funds appropriated by Congress to the Defense Department for security assistance to Ukraine."
  10. I couldn't make it through half of his shit. Come on McDonald's!
  11. "You serious Clark?"
  12. Seriously, he's what 4'02" tall?
  13. I'm not familiar with the month of "Februrary"
  14. Holy. Shit. That. Is. Rich! Hey ChickenNuggets go troll some other site.
  15. Poor Alex. He's such a victim.
  16. "America First", these fuckers can't even spell grift correctly.
  17. It does have a cover for the basket for the grounds. I left it off for the photos. We grind the beans right before brewing each time. Start to finish from grinding beans to pouring a cup is probably 7-8 minutes top.
  18. He won't intentionally sell out Donald. Most likely he'll say something accidentally, screwing both himself and Trump.
  19. About the best I can muster for Bravo and his band of degenerate morons is a hearty flipping of the bird for what they've done to the country. However, I will give them credit, every time they open their mouths or type out some nonsense, it only reinforces my choice to abandon the GOP.
  20. The Q&C is pretty nice. All the rooms I've stayed in have been good size for a boutique hotel. Like the shuffleboard table when you walk into lounge area.
  21. He sounds like a real piece of shit. "Lamon is among several prominent Republicans who submitted false information trying to certify Arizona's November 2020 election results in favor of Donald Trump. He even bankrolled efforts related to the election audit security detail and has bragged about pushing Karen Fann, a key Republican state senator to move forward with the partisan election audit in Maricopa County."
  22. I swear, we should have known the moment he started his rant on low flow toilets. https://www.instagram.com/reel/CZ0ZB6DFwnp/?utm_medium=copy_link
  23. WTF? I was wondering why I was hearing some national espn bullshit during his slot. Outside of John & Lance in the morning, ESPN 97.5 is unlistenable.
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