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Irwin F Fletcher

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Everything posted by Irwin F Fletcher

  1. "America First", these fuckers can't even spell grift correctly.
  2. It does have a cover for the basket for the grounds. I left it off for the photos. We grind the beans right before brewing each time. Start to finish from grinding beans to pouring a cup is probably 7-8 minutes top.
  3. He won't intentionally sell out Donald. Most likely he'll say something accidentally, screwing both himself and Trump.
  4. About the best I can muster for Bravo and his band of degenerate morons is a hearty flipping of the bird for what they've done to the country. However, I will give them credit, every time they open their mouths or type out some nonsense, it only reinforces my choice to abandon the GOP.
  5. The Q&C is pretty nice. All the rooms I've stayed in have been good size for a boutique hotel. Like the shuffleboard table when you walk into lounge area.
  6. He sounds like a real piece of shit. "Lamon is among several prominent Republicans who submitted false information trying to certify Arizona's November 2020 election results in favor of Donald Trump. He even bankrolled efforts related to the election audit security detail and has bragged about pushing Karen Fann, a key Republican state senator to move forward with the partisan election audit in Maricopa County."
  7. I swear, we should have known the moment he started his rant on low flow toilets. https://www.instagram.com/reel/CZ0ZB6DFwnp/?utm_medium=copy_link
  8. WTF? I was wondering why I was hearing some national espn bullshit during his slot. Outside of John & Lance in the morning, ESPN 97.5 is unlistenable.
  9. The icing on the cake with today's announcement of their new coach was the fire alarm going off in the building shortly into the Q&A. If that didn't remind everyone what a dumpster fire this organization is, nothing will.
  10. Good. Let the bloodletting continue with these traitors.
  11. I might not be ready for this club.....had to Google H. Moser & Cie. First watch that popped up was 39,000, though it was Swiss Francs. I don't own any Swiss Francs, yet.
  12. There are some amazing watches on here. I've worn the Marathon GSAR as a daily watch for at least the last 20 years. Recently decided I needed a second watch and went with the Hamilton. Now I feel like I need a third.
  13. Looks like Chachi just found out Joanie no longer loves him. Sucks to suck.
  14. Abbott end his speech with "Fuck Trump"?
  15. Powdered water? Now I've seen everything.
  16. Yep, you can make a lot more selling opthalmic drugs vs, cocoa.
  17. Maybe a little bit more than Nestle.
  18. Is Alcon really considered "big pharma"?
  19. I think he gets fatter each time this picture gets reposted.
  20. Yes, Abbott all by himself outlawed abortions. He's the most powerful governor to ever hold office. Republicans across the country have anointed him the next savior of the party. Many are saying that Trump will actually suck Abbott's dick in Conroe this weekend, breaking the longstanding tradition of GOP members gargling Trump's mushroom while on stage.
  21. This. Anyone who thinks any party is going to take guns out of your house, off the streets, or ban outright is a moron of the highest order. This should never be a reason to vote for or against a particular candidate or party. It's a nonstarter from jump street.
  22. He can't and he won't be able to defend it. Bravo is a troll.
  23. He can't and he won't be able to defend it. Bravo is a troll.
  24. Was Beaumont, TX booked? Or was Conroe their first choice?
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