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Irwin F Fletcher

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Everything posted by Irwin F Fletcher

  1. I forget who originally posted it, but I am in favor of these traitors being strapped to the deck or container of a ship traveling the north Atlantic in the winter and pushing them overboard.
  2. Our 1st Technivorn Mochamaster was the one Troph linked. It lasted at least 10 years. It did a good job of dispersing the hot water over the grind. I'm guessing, they changed the hole pattern on my current version. Mine has 9 holes on the bottom, so maybe they have addressed this issue. All that said, it makes a fantastic cup of coffee.
  3. Ha! Yes. A quality burr grinder is on my to-do list to research and buy.
  4. Start to finish it's about 6-7 minutes to brew a full pot (11-12 cups). 1st shot just after the hot water started. 2nd shot, about a cup has been through, you can just let it go, but not all the grind will get soaked. 3rd shot, I use a spoon to dispense water evenly across the top of the grind. 2-3 spoon fulls. 4th shot, the results of distributing the water evenly. From here I just let it run.
  5. [mention=896]Jeffrey[/mention] is right about the soaking or wetting of the coffee grind. It could be better, in that it doesn't soak all the grind. I end up using a spoon to catch some of the hot water and pour it over the still dry grind, once I've done that a couple of times it's good to go. Despite this inconvenience, it's still the best coffee maker around. I'll take some pictures later this morning as an example.
  6. What @troph said, though I'd recommend their carafe version. Stays hot for hours and doesn't "cook" the coffee after it is brewed. Worth every penny
  7. He wanted 20,000 troops there to overthrow the certification.
  8. Oh the irony. What's the top store in Moscow, TX you ask? A crappy, Trump 2024 stand. And yes, crappy picture,.is crappy.
  9. Ha! The balls on this POS calling someone else a troll. Here's an idea Bravo, stop trolling every post and maybe, just maybe you can possibly earn back some credibility.
  10. The House needs only a simple majority to impeach a Supreme Court justice or any federal judge. To convict and then remove the justice or judge, the Senate requires a two-thirds majority.
  11. This. Sounds like the scope of the investigation needs to expand further.
  12. Hmmm, that's kind of a head scratcher.
  13. He can't and won't. He's a troll.
  14. Stop being a troll.
  15. Stop being a troll.
  16. Stop being a troll.
  17. You know you've made it to the big leagues when you can hold a rally in Conroe, TX
  18. Just another step in reinforcing the pussification of the GOP and its supporters.
  19. Get that dude some Miralax.
  20. And here I thought Ted couldn't get less masculine. Being dressed down by Tucker Carlson, good lord that is embarrassing.
  21. It'd be a whole lot cooler if you just laughed at them and said "you are one fucking idiot" and just walked away.
  22. Fuck Ted Cruz. May he rot in hell for all eternity.
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