Looks like we have our first positive Covid case in the immediate family. Wife has been battling congestion since last Thursday (nothing new, she usually comes down with a cold once a yr. Ironically, last year with masking she was cold free all year). She and our college freshmen got their booster shots on Sunday. Wife had a single dose of J&J with a Modern booster. Last night we rcvd notice that 3 players on our other daughter's highschool soccer team tested positive for Covid. It prompted me to swab everyone in the house and send it off for rt-PCR testing. The wife had picked up some home kits on a whim and decided she'd test with it this morning after I left to drop off all the swabs at FedEx. I'm in sales for a diagnostic lab and I test at least once per week per office rules, so I've been the family guinea pig for outbreaks within the house. Right now, only the wife has any symptoms, and was the only one to test positive with the home kit. Sent from my Pixel 3 XL using Tapatalk