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Irwin F Fletcher

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Everything posted by Irwin F Fletcher

  1. https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/biden-is-polling-better-than-clinton-at-her-peak/ An interesting read
  2. Surely some of the Surly Wreath fund can be sent to Rand Paul's neighbor.
  3. Come on boys, it's not rocket science. Team Trump has the best manuals.
  4. Here's the link to the story. https://www.axios.com/trump-is-registering-more-new-voters-than-democrats-in-key-states-c9fb2839-6c87-4ce1-8d79-f24189a41257.html
  5. So roughly 6.2 million people then. I'd say that number could sway the election in a few key swing states.
  6. Six debates? Biden will tell Trump to pound sand. Heck anything outside of two debates is a waste of time. Let Biden and Trump have one, then the VP candidates. All Biden needs to do is remind people what it actually looks like to be Presidential. There is no winning a debate against a moron who references "many people" "fake news" and "I've done more than any other President" with out the ability to back up any point with a shred of evidence.
  7. He actually does a better job of trying to call out Trump's bullshit as the interview progresses. He can't help the fact that he's interviewing a steaming pile of shit that only spews out fecal material with each response.
  8. Holy. Fucking. Shit balls! Get this guy to do every interview from here on out.
  9. Whatever! We all know there'd never be that many African Americans at an Air Force One rally.
  10. Hold on. Did he have to go to Walter Reed over the weekend?
  11. Per Trump Twitter Archive: Unfair 187 times Disgrace 189 times
  12. Damnit! No I've got Cornyn ads popping up on Tapa. I'm gonna need to speak to Surly's manager.
  13. I believe our "Big Toe" says it best......
  14. Having watched the eulogies I can't imagine how the tone in the church would've changed. He'd make it about him (Trump) and I can only believe there would be a nasty reaction. I felt the eulogies from Bush and Clinton were nice. The note from Carter was warm. President Obama took it to the next level. He's a masterful speaker and it got dusty where I was watching from.
  15. And that's why I continue to be 20 lbs overweight. I keep breathing in my own damn carbohydrates.
  16. Reminded me of the John Mulaney bit, There's a Horse Loose in the Hospital “I’m gonna run towards the baby incubators and smash ’em with my hooves. I’ve got nice hooves and a long tail, I’m a horse!”..........Ah That’s what I thought you’d say, you dumb fucking horse.
  17. The only thing that does him in is the final count after the election. Don't waste any energy on anything else besides getting as many people to vote for Biden.
  18. If there's no election I'm pretty certain the Senate would lose its ® majority. Additionally, I think governors have the power to appoint Representatives so I would assume CA would appoint Pelosi back to her spot. Though I could be wrong as I'm many years removed from my high school civics class.
  19. +Rep all day on this. Hearing Obama today felt like coming up from a deep snorkel dive with your lungs straining for that last bit of oxygen before you break the surface then breathing in deeply. Going to sit the kids down tonight and have them watch the various eulogies as it's a true moment in history.
  20. I was going to go with strangle him with his own seatbelt, but yours works as well.
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