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Irwin F Fletcher

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Everything posted by Irwin F Fletcher

  1. What are they going to do, ride around town openly brandishing weapons on people in the streets? The phrase "don't start no shit, there won't be no shit" comes to mind.
  2. Let's make a difference. I've signed up to volunteer for her campaign (haven't heard back yet) and I know a few influential people that could get a message to her directly.
  3. Holy shit! Fuck the coronavirus scare, we've got a serious pneumonia problem.
  4. Seems like there are a few of us Surly assholes in Dan's district. We should see if Sima wants to hold a SurlyPac happy hour at some point.
  5. https://www.forbes.com/sites/michelatindera/2020/07/21/how-donald-trump-moved-millions-from-his-campaign-donors-to-his-private-business/amp/?__twitter_impression=true Trump has not given a dime to his reelection campaign, opting instead to fund the entire effort with his donors’ money. His business, meanwhile, has continued to charge the campaign for things like food, lodging and rent. The result is that $2.2 million of contributions from other people has turned into $2.2 million of revenue for Trump. And that’s just counting the money flowing directly through the president’s campaign. His reelection apparatus also includes two joint fundraising committees, which work with the Republican Party to raise money for Trump. Since he took office, those entities—named Trump Victory and the Trump Make America Great Again Committee—have funneled another $2.3 million into the president’s private business, according to a review of Federal Election Commission records. Then there’s the Republican National Committee, which has spent an additional $2.4 million at Trump properties. Add it all up, and the president, working in concert with the party he leads, has helped push $6.9 million into his businesses since taking office.
  6. This. There is no way he can hold up this act, given that he doesn't have his rallies to vent and go off tangent it's only a matter of time before "Narcissist Donald" returns.
  7. Gold!
  8. More to the point. Trump claimed his doctors were "very surprised" he "aced it"
  9. Heavy heart tonight. RIP Congressman.
  10. If this is part of Trump's plan to scare the electorate it will backfire. The more that this story sees the light of day the more it will motivate people to exercise their power at the voting booth.
  11. Probably already stated here. Not all Trump supporters are racist, but all racists are Trump supporters.
  12. Well, well, well. Looks like Hannity, Beck and Limbaugh finally get their SS Brown shirts they've been warning us about under Obama. I'm sure if I turn on talk radio I'll hear each calling Trump out for this.
  13. Hey now!
  14. "Hey Judge can you throw us a bone? No one here knows how to work the internets apperently"
  15. I'd wear black, it's very slimming.
  16. Like all good Trump plans, "coronavans" will also backfire. We already have them.
  17. We'll take it!
  18. Karma can be such a little bitch.
  19. Sorry Brad
  20. Listen, polling experts will tell you, you're in great shape when we can point to the boaters and (checks notes) biker majorities across this nation.
  21. Hey Mulvaney, Eat a bag of dicks!
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