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Irwin F Fletcher

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Everything posted by Irwin F Fletcher

  1. This is where I've moved to. After 3.5 years of exposure to Trump. his cult isn't going to open up for a dialogue. Let them own it all. Post his insane rants for all to see. Call out the use of force to disperse peaceful protesters, violating their constitutional rights to peacefully assemble, so he could hold a staged photo op to feed his narcissistic desire to try and show some kind of false narrative he was a leader. Then tear them apart as they try to defend it. Though, honestly most don't either have the courage to defend it publicly or are just to tired of trying to do so now. None the less, expose Trump and his followers to the disinfectant of light.
  2. I've stated in another thread that I basically hold a scorched earth policy against any current GOP member that supports or enabled Trump. Today I actively contribute financially and help campaign for anyone in my district who is running against a Trump enabler (Sima for Congress, Hegar for Senate and Biden for President) and I have started to research democratic candidates for the local level as well and I will continue to contribute to those democratic candidates who are running for key races in the Senate across the nation. After this election cycle, my plan is to support democratic candidates where I see they are working for the best interest of the country. I honestly don't see myself voting for a republican for the next 15-20 years as I believe the stench of Trump has corrupted the ranks from top to bottom.
  3. Have you seen your typical Trump supporter? Which flag is more prominent with their cause/love of Trump?
  4. If by awesome you mean start a race war in the streets, I'll say hard pass. Because that is exactly what would happen.
  5. Well all those people need is some tear gas, flash bangs and a mounted posse.
  6. So this is going to go down as Trump's "leadership moment"? A staged photo op after physically removing US civilians from peacefully demonstrating in the area. Yes, I would say that is Trump's leadership in a nutshell.
  7. To reiterate, the GOP is complicit. Republicans when asked about Trump's staged bible photo op.
  8. Stated by someone else on the board recently and I'll mirror that response. As a former conservative republican I will never vote for the republican party again until every last republican enabler has left office. I've made the decision to embrace the democratic party and will work to help support those democratic candidates that can make a difference improving our country. Every republican in office today, especially on the federal level is complicit in enabling Trump and the destruction we now see. There is no way to reinvent the GOP with the people that currently hold power.
  9. "Get to the choppa Arnorld! Theeeeere's still time"
  10. Can someone get this to automatically embed on Trump's tweets when he plays the LAW AND ORDER card.
  11. But only 21% think America is heading in the right direction. Trump better start cracking the whip on those remaining 25% of MAGA who aren't totaling sipping the Kool Aid.
  12. This Sunday during mass I'll be dropping a silent one with your name on it.
  13. I will give props to Acevedo. That was the right thing to say. Let's see if Trump will be baited into responding or going below the belt on Acevedo with the botched raid a while back.
  14. The subtle details take it over the top. In this one chalk it up to the head bob and the hair being blown by the helicopter backwash.
  15. There's no arguing. At this point you look them straight in the face and say....... "You are a fucking idiot". It's not like you will be losing a close personal friend.
  16. #riots2020 If and or while you protest and see a bundle of mysteriously placed bricks...Don’t pick them up. It could have been planted by those who want to see the chaos and destruction accelerated. There are paid groups that are out there to incite riots instead of protest. https://t.co/LZdggpUxjL
  17. There's no doubt of his natural ability to suck on multiple fronts.
  18. Well it is an epidemic according to Mack Brown
  19. Twitter should just start trolling the President with fact checks on every tweet from here on out. Fact check: The dogs aren't vicious, they're properly trained protective service dogs
  20. Surely we've got 500k still in the wreath fund. It'll be for science.
  21. Well somebody did suggest a Blue Angels or Thunderbirds flight over Minneapolis, maybe this was all the government could muster on short notice.
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