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Irwin F Fletcher

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Everything posted by Irwin F Fletcher

  1. Sounds like Pence has been handing out fake PPE to his staff.
  2. So what's the ruling on having Barack running as Joe's VP? I know that he's served two terms as President, curious as to what the legal arm of the Surl thinks.
  3. So many good ones. If you shoot me, you're liable to lose a lot of those humanitarian awards.
  4. Makes sense as the legit version is dosed in baby bottles on the street. Never understood that, is it because the bottles have measurement gradients in them?
  5. He/she must be a pharmacist. It clearly states on the label "BULK CONTAINER - NOT FOR HOUSEHOLD USE" And of course Wockhardt is based out of India.
  6. This is where the "A-Team" would now be useful. "They survive as soldiers of fortune. If you have a problem, if no one else can help, and if you can find them, maybe you can hire the A-Team"
  7. Too soon my friend.
  8. Cool, cool. John Ratcliffe better watch out, his DNI spot may just go to Flynn now.
  9. Mixed emotions across the board. Early on I wasn't a big Raheel fan but he grew on me. Still prefer more Lance and John, so that's a plus now. I'll be curious to gauge the chemistry with Charlie and Joel Blank. I actually liked Charlie and Del. I'm a big Pallilo fan, but I'll admit his constant complaining these days about filling time gets old quick. Hopefully Barry and Raheel knock it out of the park on their next endeavors.
  10. Let me simplify it for you. Which side is more apt to "storm the Capitol" this day in age in militia dress up? If you're not sure go ahead and Google it. Anyone showing up armed with long guns in D.C. will be there because they want to make sure Trump holds onto power at all costs. If Trump suspends the election for any reason, his supporters aren't going to show up at his front door armed and ready for conflict. Neither will the left, though the left will work through proper channels (ie courts) to block the order.
  11. You and the rest of his supporters would back the idea of Trump postponing the election if the polls showed how far behind Biden he truly is. Trump supporters openly support this notion, hell it wasn't long ago Trump kept joking about remaining in office indefinitely and they ate it up.
  12. Because you can't get a haircut there. But I can go to East End Barber here in Houston to trim back two months worth of hair and drink a complimentary beer or two.
  13. I don't expect Donald Trump to be walking through our warehouses checking the inventory levels of our "bullets" or our "emergency management supplies". That's not his job, we all know this. What he should not have done was wipe out branches of career federal employees who's job it was to either oversee it or eliminate the department entirely because it was created by his predecessor. It is most likely he ignored the warnings that our inventory was either out of date or insufficiently stocked because it's not a hot button for him like his claim that the military was out of ammunition when he started office. Furthermore, if he wants us to believe that he is so busy and had so many things going on {cough, cough golf, rallies, and trips to his hotels and resorts) then maybe come November we need to look into hiring a CEO who can multitask.
  14. I can guarantee that there has not been a single doctor saying we should close the country for a couple of years. I would like the media to ask for more specifics. "Which doctor said this?" Put the him on the spot every time he gets in front of a non-Fox News microphone from now until the election.
  15. Ah yes, the infamous photo of him with a drawer full of pills.
  16. Now when he was a young man,He never thought he'd seePeople stand in line to see the Orange Monkey
  17. I guess he didn't fire/sue his campaign manager over the low poll numbers. Heading to Arizona to lie about the corona.
  18. Sounds like we've got our screen play for "The Body Guard 2, American Redemption"
  19. It seems like the media has a solution for everything. https://www.marketwatch.com/story/clinton-obama-in-2020-one-former-white-house-official-says-its-possible-2020-05-03?siteid=yhoof2&yptr=yahoo&fbclid=IwAR3EPWs13BX6HvCXxBNq3wM8gBL3caNyNwCvYAVeGLFBp0BNrStCV9Ktdvw
  20. Sent a PM. I'm not a lawyer but I did stay at a Holiday Inn once.
  21. This in a nutshell. We haven't missed dining out at all. We've done some take out while taking advantage of liquor to go sales to help support a few of our local restaurants. I've always felt, given the time, I can prepare and cook a meal better than 90% of the places we would go out to eat to.
  22. Is that what the coronavirus looks like under a microscope? You eat that and you should hope that the worst thing you catch is the Rona.
  23. This guy did. Though he didn't like to talk too much about it. It's a shame his generation isn't around in numbers to crack some more skulls.
  24. What Hunter Biden knew of his dad's affair while he was off gallivanting in the Ukraine making a bazillion dollars with Burisma.
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