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Irwin F Fletcher

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Everything posted by Irwin F Fletcher

  1. Whatever. Let he who has not " grabbed a women in the pussy, because they let you when you are famous" cast the first stone
  2. This is what having your head buried in the sand looks like in real life.
  3. Hopefully they tagged them, so the next time OUR "hero" Ballard goes larping in the jungles of Columbia he'll find out just how successful his operation rescue really is.
  4. The Trafford watch I ordered finally arrived. Swapped out the leather band for a more casual band, down on the coast this week.
  5. Whatever. It's a major award, for someone with a fragile ego. Edit. I see Namealready beat me to this prestigious award
  6. If you're still associating yourself with Fox News viewers, that's a "you" problem.
  7. Check out the Ritz Carlton yacht collection.
  8. Well, if he's running a campaign from Russia, I'm on the fence. I kid, I kid. Fuck that puto.
  9. How soon can we turn him over? Seems like an honorable thing to do.
  10. That's fake right? There's no way an attorney sent that to the Attorney General and cc'd Congress......and thinks that will secure a meeting
  11. Good luck to you @Brothahorn. You've shown your true identity and I no longer need to waste my time with you.
  12. That's interesting @Brothahorn I didn't vote for him either time as well. But right now, looking back he's in my opinion the best President in my lifetime. I'm 50 years old. I reluctantly admit I voted for Trump back in 2016. While I will forever feel shame for enabling that piece of shit, it did open my eyes to what the GOP stands for. Unfortunately, the GOP has realized their days are numbered as a political force and they are fine with embracing a culture of fascism to remain in power. If Obama could run again, I'd cast my vote for him today.
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