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Bozo_Casanova last won the day on November 24 2020

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  1. Sigh - because you can't just leave them in the rickhouse. The vast majority of Bourbon barrels peak between 6-8 years and get worse from there. From that point the conditions have to be managed in with ever increasing cost and attention. Of course, people are dumb and have been conditioned to think that older=better and will ignore what their nose is telling them, but only too a point, and if cheap bourbon floods the market people might wake up to the reality of things.
  3. That’s a very interesting graph, since there are 75m people each in the boomer and millennial cohorts and 69m in GenZ, but only 66m GenXers.
  4. And elevating burger/fries.
  5. APD had them working in shifts!
  6. Can you imagine how bad it is to work for the Mavs doing social media, ticket sales, sponsorship or any part of the operation right now? They probably had a town hall a couple weeks ago and told people things would start getting better and instead they have gotten that much worse. The anger is more intense, everyone gives you shit, and you aren’t making any money. It’s a death spiral type situation.
  7. That’s fine, but I’m not arguing with the analyses or the math, which say correlation varies with specifics and rises and falls based on a number of factors, and at the very least those factors are related, which is problematic w/r/t diversification. And they also say you can have protection of principal, or present value, but not both. But I do agree that the conventional wisdom is that bonds are diversifying to equities and a lot of people do take it for granted.
  8. I’m not sure that’s true. It’s only diversifying to the extent that the return isn’t correlated to the other assets in the portfolio, which depends on the specifics.
  9. I should have put my question more precisely. I understand the theory and practice involved. I was really asking what specific functions they are serving in his portfolio, and how well is that working out. The reason I ask is that I think the bolded above is a truism of the investment industry that is only sort of true, and depends a lot on the specifics of implementation. You said it yourself/ you didn’t invest until interest rates spiked in 2022, which is when correlation peaked. Im not bashing bonds. I’m questioning their value as a portfolio diversifier.
  10. They don’t even have a code of ethics. The Buda Planning and Zoning Commission is more bound to conduct itself subject to the law than the Supreme Court.
  11. I agree with that, but Trump’s supporters suport him because he acts like he wins. Just pause for a moment and imagine how Trump would have been eviscerated by Reagan, Obama, Bill Clinton, Biden in his prime, or even W? And it wouldn’t have been because they were bigger liars, or because of policy or any of that. They would have made him the butt of the joke constantly, jammed him up until he popped, and made him look weak. Among many other things, Democrats need to change their style. That’s why I said their best play for this ridiculous speech was to just sit there, roll their eyes, and laugh out lough at the stupid parts.
  12. I believe the end game of all of this is to undermine the global role of the dollar.
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