What Democrats forgot in the mid-90s is that an economy experiencing a wealth and consumption expansion at the top without an income expansion in the middle is experienced as a shitty economy by most people, and offering them safety net programs as a solution adds insult to injury.
There is not better single example of the disconnect between Democrats and the middle class than their genuine confusion about this fact. You can’t treat middle class people like poor people. They didn’t fail, the economy is rigged against them and their standard of living has collapsed over the last 15 years, after a slow decline during the previous 35. Can you really blame some of them for wanting to give Democrats a big fuck you? As much as they have lost - defined benefit pensions, market rate affordable healthcare and housing and cars, vacations, savings, good public schools, dignity, community, humanity, etc- can you blame them for being angry when the latest career politician grin-fucks them with drivel like “Im going to create an opportunity economy?”
and then they go on TV and instagram and see a world full of healthier, more popular, better looking richer people everywhere they look. And their friends are using social media to curate their lives, and they start doing it too, but deep inside they know their lives are substandard. Because they are.