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Everything posted by Bozo_Casanova

  1. Thank you. I know you feel it too. It’s not the pressure to succeed, that part is fine. It’s the fear of what happens if I don’t. It’s the self-loathing when I don’t do my best work and the inability to enjoy the results when I do. It’s that empty relief of crisis averted that has become a substitute for joy and celebration.
  2. Yeah, you’re right of course. But when I don’t feel productive or focused professionally I feel like I’m failing my family and putting everything at risk.
  3. no mechanism for best execution across platforms, few if any arbitrageurs
  4. I would not be surprised at all if Trump called in to F&F to tell everyone his dick is not small.
  5. Well, there’s the Paris you saw in the Olympics and the parts they don’t show you like the “Le Figaro No-Go Zone.”
  6. Austin radio is really terrible.
  7. Come on man. I didn’t just fall out of the coconut tree.
  8. Thinking that 2024, running against Ted Cruz with Donald Trump on the ballot, was a year to win by triangulating on wedge issues with YouTube ads while doing no grass roots work is truly Texas Democrat galaxy brain shit.
  9. Go talk to yourself about burning things down and vote for Gary Johnson Trump again if you don’t like it.
  10. Wyoming delegation is fitter and better looking
  11. The guy doing roll call sounds like Mr Garrison.
  12. I’m so mad at myself. I’m am a listless, distracted mess right now and it’s costing me productivity at a crucial time. I’m not just slower than the bear right now, I’m slower than everyone else. Fuck this and fuck everything and fuck me too. Thank you for listening to my TED talk.
  13. Roger Staubach was a dick to me in the 7th grade. It was devastating at the time, but in retrospect I’m grateful. He taught me to choose my heroes carefully.
  14. Did you know their fathers knew each other in college?
  15. I believe it’s a downballot GOTV, registration and fundraising coordination role. I’m not sure how important it is- what’s important is that the last one was a casualty of the ongoing civil war inside the Texas GOP and the position is unfilled because the executive committee and county orgs are riven by dissent and factional conflict. or so looks from the outside, anyway.
  16. Worth mentioning that the Texas GOP is in disarray at the moment, basically absent in support of the least popular GOP presidential nominee and the least popular GOP incumbent senator in this era, with Democrats in a good mood for one. This is a golden opportunity to win a statewide race. Where is Allred?
  17. Is it wrong that I kinda want this? I’ve got a Chairman Mao watch. I’ve paid more for tackier shit, too.
  18. I have been telling people that if they didn’t like America they should do that for 40 years. Glad Putin is making it official.
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