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Everything posted by Bozo_Casanova

  1. I'm not an ex-Republican, to be clear. I don't care at all about ideology or party tribes. I consider myself a citizen loyal to the United States and Texas and my loyalty, as it were, is undivided. But on both moral and intellectual grounds, I've consistently voted for Democrats since I could vote, because it the was the most effective way to vote against Republicans. Republicans have consistently offered me the worst combination of candidate and policy choices. I've only ever voted for one Republican, and I came to regret it. The crazy thing to me that there are so many smart middle-aged adults unable to admit to themselves or just now realizing that the economic orthodoxy of the 80's was bullshit.
  2. You know, it's been the longest time since I watched H.O.T.S.
  3. Yeah and they don't understand economics because their economics teacher was ... they weren't required to take economics.
  4. Me neither, and I'm not even a Democrat or a progressive.
  5. You really appreciate Kleiber's role in a game like this - to give you quality bench minutes and play interior defense well.I used to get frustrated because of his obvious limitations, but he's really very good at what he does well, and he's good enough to hang in there at the rest.
  6. "Here's why that's bad news for Democrats" - CNN We have reached the stage of the campaign where the undecided voter panel has replaced interviewing people drinking coffee at First Watch by the dead mall on a weekday at 10am.
  7. You mean the one that broke yesterday or the one that’s rumored to be about to break? Lotta groping these days. Hard to keep track.
  8. Most of the good Texas grapes are from the high plains and the cab franc and viognier grown there are truly excellent. Hill Country grows pretty good Mouvedre and Tannat and the Tempranillo vines will be good in 10-15 years, but that’s about it.
  9. Are we talking about good burgers from places you're ashamed to patronize? Because I have seen some shit.
  10. Yeah, you know what else gives off "stick to the whites" vibes? The famously mediocre Loire Valley. Maybe you should stick to Merlot.
  11. Well, no. At most basic level market clearing price of a commodity represents equilibrium between the money seeking to be exchanged for apples/diapers/cheerios whatever and the amount of those things available. But as consumers we don't interacts directly with that. We work with middlemen who aggregate goods we want, dress them up, merchandise them with other things that we may want but don't know about yet, along with substitutional goods, invest in staff and physical plant close to where we are, and branding to make us feel good about paying a tiny markup for working with them instead of the other middlemen. The more competitive it is, the tinier it gets, and the strongest competitors are often the ones who can charge the highest mark-up (which is one way to measure the value of the brand) but choose to sell undifferentiated commodities at wholesale or even below wholesale cost to atract customers. None of that means prices will do gown. The only think that forces prices down is either less money chasing a thing or more things relative to the money chasing them Texas Cab Franc, Viognier, Albarinho and Mouvedre are all excellent. I suspect those LV screens are coming from the delta between Trump voters who say they voted for Trump in 2020 vs Harris voters who say they didn't vote in 2020. Zero concern about that. Put it on the pile.
  12. Voted!
  13. Because the absolute best you can do by conceding a bad point is give it up without a fight. It looks weak, because it is.
  14. Good post In fairness to them- both parties share one big lie on the economy: that the president has a great deal of control. He does not. Through mostly soft power he can have some level of limited impact on growth on an intermediate basis, and can have a much more substantial and direct negative effect on prices and GDP (through tariffs and other punitive measures) and has almost no meaningful direct near-term impact on the labor economy or the cost of living. But obviously both parties pretend they do and maybe their operatives and officials actually believe they are doing more than nibbling at the margins. And of course the media reports it that way because outside of the business press none of them seem to understand even the basics. Anyway- TL;DR: it’s not really their fault. They think that because everyone acts like it’s true, in good times and bad.
  15. He’s buying access from future Republican guests. Democrats just dont work the refs as well as Republicans.
  16. No she doesn't, because she didn’t ever propose them. What she proposed is as far off from price controls as it is from disaster response- giving out water and blankets and shit. Anyone who conflates the two is outing themselves as necessarily an ignoramous or a shameless liar. Don’t shill GOP narratives, even when you they anre technically or narrowly true and ESPECIALLY when they’re fundamentally wrong and completely off base.
  17. If he was a racist before, he had it then, too. They go hand in hand.
  18. I think the donor daughter groping rumor is probably bullshit, but- my wife had an interesting take this afternoon - loss of impulse control is one of the most common symptoms of cognitive decline. that’s where the stereotype of the dirty old man comes from. Ask a young woman who has volunteered for meals or anybody who has worked in a home or with seniors for an extended period. Old people -in particular old men- say a lot of shocking things and often get handsy. So IF a person who was already prone to being gropey and used to getting away with unwelcome verbal and physical advances on attractive young women was going into cognitive decline, it would be probable for those impulses to eventually present themselves in public.
  19. Mick Foley always been a real one.
  20. @Horn75 You've inspired me today. First, my wife and I voted at a library next to a junior high. Then we found some 8th graders walking home from school after their sex changes, and asked how many were in the country illegally. All of them were, so we took them to the library and of course they were waved right into the polling place, and we gave them $20 each to vote. Well, except for the one who said he felt Trump was "strong for America" and that he likes Trump's policies on restrictive zoning in suburbs. We reported She/Her to Jose Garza who threw they/them in jail under the Biden/Harris speech code. The rest of they/them took their $20 to your house and your wife was home. She definitely seems like a Harris/Walz voter.
  21. You negged a post about the aftermath of my wife’s miscarriage. Go outside and touch grass, old man.
  22. I kinda want to do that but I had Covid (4th round) in June and just got a Pfizer shot two weeks ago, so I’m going to seek out Novavax around March/April. Do you know when the nasal spray would come to market if it passes this round of studies?
  23. Wow. This really touches a painful place for me and makes me angrier than I thought it would. They should saturate TV markets in cities and social media with this, but especially they should put this into heavy rotation on Fox News, because it’s important no matter who wins. There’s very well known and very prominent Republican here in Austin who was my wife’s OB/GYN from 2000-2008. He performed the D&C on my wife when we lost our first pregnancy and subsequently treated us with incredible kindness patience, and compassion as we went on to have our two daughters. I wonder how he would react to this, or the hundreds of thousands of husbands my age and older, now fathers and grandfathers, who have had a similar experience, and yet intend to vote for Donald Trump.
  24. She’s doing as well as possible considering the makeup of the state and not much. it comes down to turnout in Milwaukee and Madison, and keeping her few voters in the rural areas from being demoralized by their local majority. I suppose she could offer undecided voters a hot tub party with Mark Chmura, but unless his views have changed since his public encounter with high school girls the criminal justice system he’s a Trump supporting Republican, go figure.
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