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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by 1978horn

  1. UT Comms has gone dark for awhile, especially internally. Ever since the closing of the DCC.
  2. Yep, there are plenty appointments for tomorrow. They also changed their name to Texas Global 5 years ago, so if you look for the international office you may not find it.
  3. Went to the passport office at UT at the end of January. Used the normal timeframe and had the new ones in 3 weeks. Was able to make an appointment with them online.
  4. 1978horn


    Dripping Springs isd has an agenda item for Monday(Aprill 22nd) to remove gender identity and sexual orientation as protected from discrimination...
  5. looks like me trying to land on the aircraft carrier in the NES Top Gun game
  6. Yeah, I was not aware. Had a cup about 45min after my procedure last Friday and no issues.
  7. I have had USAA for 20yrs due to my wife. Homeowners went from just under 2k two years ago to 5k this last yr. Shopping around next year.
  8. Had mine done last Friday. Family history of polyps, so they wanted me to get one done at 45, although I am hearing they are now saying all 45 yr old's need them. Fasting wasn't that hard, but the prep had me in the bathroom all night. Procedure was at 7:30am, so I got home slept some and then watched March Madness. They did remove 3 polyps and I will get the result within the next week or so, but doc wasn't concerned. Probably on a 3-5yr checkup timeline due to family history. I did come out of the sleep asking for Jameson and brisket, so I prolly need to rethink how much I drink. My wife did consider divorcing me due to the sounds that were coming out of the bathroom. Went to a bday party that night for a friend. Ate a lot of brisket and had a beer(apparently not supposed to drink for 24 hrs).
  9. LCRA is going to stage 3 officially on May 1st. There are rumors that they are talking about going to stage 4 in late summer/early fall based on projections. They are also reworking the drought contingency plan and all the stages. People need to stop irrigating and worry about drinking water. Lots more people consuming water than in previous droughts. If we don't get rain soon and lots of it west of us it could get bad.
  10. 1978horn

    Texas Primaries

    Yeah, it’s why Carrie Issac introduced a bill to ban voting on higher ed campuses. It’s a “security” issue. There is a race right now in Hays that is getting really chippy. I’m worried about Dems getting upset about their candidate not winning the primary and sitting out in November.
  11. Service back in Austin
  12. Wife(no pics) has a iPhone 15 pro and is having no issues, although my kids 12 and 13 don't have service. The issue/rumor of a sim card database registry kind of makes sense at this point.
  13. 1978horn

    Texas Primaries

    Challenger named Chevo Pastrano against Erin Zwiener in Hays county as well. In my part of Hays Dems are getting salty about it. Could be close.
  14. She was currently on a book tour for a new book being released tomorrow. My understanding is that here podcast was fairly successful among the evangelical crowd. Looks like they are scrubbing social media and podcasts.
  15. Yeah, this one hits real fucking close to home. We used to be part of the evangelical community in Austin. Haven't been for 10+ years, but know this person and his family. On top of that, the family lives in our community and their kids(adopted and biological) go to school with my kids. This is going to be a fucking mess...not unlike any of the other 100's of issues like this, but now my kids are close to it. Just for clarification....fuck that guy.
  16. It’s ok, it was dealt with and under the blood of Jesus. “I want to express how deeply grieved I am that my past sins led to so much pain, confusion and division,” he wrote in the post. “Some may wonder why I am just now making a public statement 20+ years later? It was because I was recently confronted about things I said or did 20+ years ago – things I believed were dealt with and under the blood of Jesus.” https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2024/02/09/international-house-of-prayer-kansas-city-mike-bickle-sex-allegations/72537104007/
  17. The owner is way more involved than just being on the scene. He was one of the 30 unindicated co-conspirators. He was responsible for PowerPoint that was circulated around DC on ways to stay in power. "The House select committee investigating the January 6 attack on the US Capitol announced Thursday that it subpoenaed James P. “Phil” Waldron, a retired Army colonel who spread misinformation about election fraud and circulated a PowerPoint document detailing ways to undermine the 2020 presidential election outcome."
  18. Sounds like my 17 yr old....all of it.
  19. At least you are getting him to brush his teeth. I still have to bug my teenagers about that shit. It is the most disgusting issue in our house. My wife(no pics) and I have no idea where the "I don't need to brush my teeth" comes from, especially since we ask them every god damn day.
  20. Ha, I took that picture last summer when I inherited them. This is the first time I have noticed it. Thanks for ruining it! Note to self: Edit/Crop Flak picture
  21. Loving this show because it feels like it connects me with my grandfather. He flew the B-24, but I’ll take what I can get. One of my biggest regrets in life is not talking to him more when he was alive. He died when I was 19. Here is his mission list and a piece of flak that hit him in the chest. Flak jacket saved his life.
  22. It is pretty close to 50/50. The people committing dumbshittery are the loudest. I think the owner of that distillery was one of the ones that were close to being indicted for Jan 6th. Apparently he made the power point that was circulated in Washington.
  23. Yep, one of the meet up points for a caravan is the HEB in Dripping Springs. I think there is also a rally of some kind at One Shot Distilling on RR 12 in Dripping.
  24. Dripping isd normal schedule tomorrow.
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