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Tim Beck

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  1. Wow I guess I figured Herman would say different things to the team vs the media but nope. LHN Gameday showed a clip of his Tulsa post game speech to the team, “Winning is really really difficult and momentum is an illusion.” Pregame speech they showed he said fun about 8 times within 30 seconds
  2. My bad guys, I tried my best lookin ass
  3. https://i.imgur.com/nxLbopa.gifv Both terrified and aroused
  4. Beltre and buckling at curveballs. Name a better duo
  5. El Oso Blanco is out of hibernation folks
  6. Sipp clearly has some angels in the outfield type stuff going on, let’s put a bat in his hands and get the lead here
  7. Easily the lowest attendance game I’ve ever been to, did anyone catch if they announced the total on the broadcast?
  8. Foreign substance talk not going away
  9. A little longer for me I guess
  10. JV only getting a career high 14 K’s? Needs to do better if he wants to keep his spot. If only there was just a really quick way to increase spin rate. Like what if you could trade for a player knowing that you could bump his spin rate a couple hundred rpm overnight...imagine the steals you could get on the trade market! If only that existed...
  11. ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Bats take my energy ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
  12. Damn I blinked and missed McWheels flying around the basepath
  13. Good bases loaded 2 strike take there from Fisher
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