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Everything posted by gecko

  1. Fear porn has been taken to a new level
  2. He boldly predicted we would have 100M people infected
  3. I already do my job remotely (between business trips). The question isn't can I continue to do my job remotely it's whether my firm will decide they can afford to have me doing it. If the end comes I'll take my package and retire.
  4. Maybe 5 minutes of Sam Ehlinger TDs can get us through
  5. I observed essentially the same thing yesterday afternoon (did a 3:30pm for a couple of items). Only difference is the mask wearing was closer to 80%.
  6. https://twitter.com/rexchapman/status/1248384431695380480?s=21
  7. Does rain pick up COVID droplets while it falls to the ground? If I run around outside in a storm catching rain in my mouth will I catch COVID?
  8. And it’s not April 1st.....
  9. Unlike you I can afford it.....
  10. I already own a bridge in Brooklyn. One is enough...
  11. They just had to "go there" in the final episode....
  12. Based on nothing but a hunch, I believe we are vaccinating by early Fall by striking a balance somewhere between the risk to those vaccinated and reward to society. Certainly not in time for football in 2020. I think we're staring at a conference-only season beginning in January for both football and basketball. Of course, I'm one of the guys who paid his LHF dues and renewed the season tickets in late January just as this whole thing was gaining momentum.
  13. I don't think any school is going to put 70 to 100K people in football stands until there is a vaccine. I also think there will be vaccine sooner than anyone expects.
  14. "The English Game" was "ok"...better than most things on network TV, lots of late 19th century societal commentary, outcome is completely predictable. "The Letter to the King" is also in the "ok" category and fine for a younger audience. "Messiah" looks interesting
  15. Wife (no pics) is making us cotton masks using vacuum cleaner bag material as removable / replaceable filter insert. She’s a hell of a seamstress
  16. Posted for the graphic not the content of the tweet. No CR...
  17. Haven't the people of California been through enough?
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